Chapter Five

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 Chapter 5

In the morning, I wake up to find Sameenah already in class. She probably got a ride from her friend, because the car is still here. I get dressed, eat breakfast, and brush my teeth, and since I woke up at 8, it's around 8:45. I walk out of the building with a smile, and a pair of dark blue jeans, black boots, a white long-sleeved shirt, and a cute pea coat. 

I drive to the mansion, and unlock the door with the key that Harry gave me. There isn't anyone on the main floor, so I go across the room to find Kenzie in her bedroom. Niall has his arms wrapped around her, and they're asleep. Awh. Total Peeta and Katniss moment! 

I back out of the room, and find a continuance in the staircase that I never noticed before. I step down the metal stairs, and into a basement mostly made of cement. There is one wall where all the boys have signed their names, a few others dedicated to Zayn's artwork, and down a hallway, I start to hear noises. It sounds like swords clashing together. There are some crazy battle cries, and I know Zayn is down here. 

"Hello?" I call, "You guys!" I step forward a few more feet, and almost get hit with a throwing star, but thankfully, I ducked just in time. Louis threw the star, and he and Zayn are dressed up in full ninja gear. 

"Hey," Louis says, "Sorry about that." 

"Hi," I say, "What the heck are you guys doing?"

"We're playing," Zayn says, "We were kinda bored, so we just decided to come down here and start... attacking each other." 

"Wow. Sounds like fun," I say, giggling, "But you almost KILLED me! Why the hell do you have throwing stars!?"

"You can't be a ninja without throwing stars." Louis says, standing on a couch. 

"Don't you guys have a safer target?" I ask, "Or you could even go outside! You could've at least put a 'DANGER, NINJAS AHEAD' sign on the wall."

"Oh my god," Zayn's face lights up, "That's brilliant!" He starts to go past me, but I stop him.

"No more ninjas. Okay? I'm here now. So please don't kill anyone else." I say. Louis jumps off the couch, and sighs, "Do we have to?"

"Yes. It's dangerous," I tell them, "So go upstairs, and change. Please." They saunter past me, and I can see now that there is a gym down here. Cool... I can't believe I haven't been down here. 

"Come on, girls," Olivia says, "We have to go pick up our dresses for the wedding." 

"Right." Kenzie says. She's happier than yesterday, but still a little sad.

"When is that again?" I ask. Olivia tells me that it's tomorrow, "Tomorrow? And we haven't gotten dresses?" 

"Yeah. That's why we have to go NOW." She says. 

At the bridal store, there are dresses for the bridesmaids already picked out. Kenzie and I just have to find some that fit. Olivia's dress is so beautiful! It is white, with sparkly patches, with a strappy upper half. Yeah, yeah. It doesn't sound pretty, but it is.

Our dresses are aqua blue, with no straps. They're pretty plain, but it makes sense. The bride should look the best! 

By now, I've tried on about three different sizes. This is the fourth dress-size, and FINALLY! It fits! Kenzie only had to try on one, and it fit her perfectly. She's always been good at shopping so she only needs to look at one size. 

"Great!" The saleswoman says, "So you're picking these up?" 

"Yes," Olivia tells her, "It's under the name Payne. It's pre-paid."

"Wonderful. Let me wrap these up for you, and you can be on your way." the woman disappears into the back of the store, and comes back with three dress cover bags. 

We decide to stop for lunch. Kenzie and I said McDonald's, but Olivia said we had to stay thin for the wedding, and that McDonald's wasn't healthy enough. Darn... that's a disappointment. 

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