Chapter 14

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Shoutout to wolfess21

Mikey's POV:

It's been a few days since Andy and Kayleigh got together and I couldn't be happier for them. They're definitely at their happiest when they're with each other, they bring the best out in each other too.

I really really like Clo and I'm pretty sure she likes me too. The boys say it's obvious but I'm rubbish when it comes to this stuff. I'd really like to ask her out but I'm not sure how I should go about it.

"Boys?" I ask the room as we're all chilling in bed.



"What?" are my responses.

"I've been thinking." I begin.

"Oh don't do that, you might hurt yourself." Andy laughs.

"Shut up!" I laugh. "No, seriously I have been thinking and I really want to ask Clo out but I'm not sure how I should go about it. Any ideas?" I explain.

"You need to do something big and meaningful." Andy replies.

"What like you did? Laser tag, food and a beach walk?" I joke.

"For your information that was meaningful to her and she loved it. Thank you very much." He defends himself.

"Na, I think she was just humouring you mate." Rye tells him.

"Well we had a good day and she's now my girlfriend and I'm happy. So there!" Andy replies, sounding like a child.

"So what could I do for Clo?" I ask, desperately hoping they'll give me some ideas.

"Something book related?" Jack suggests while throwing a pen at a pouting Andy's head.

"That's a good shout!" Brooklyn agrees while looking through his phone.

"I like that idea actually because she loves nothing more than reading." I agree.

"You could totally make her a little book and ask her out through that." Rye suggests.

"Since when were you so romantic?" Jack asks him.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me mate." Rye answers.

"Na, I don't have the creative skills for that." I disagree.

"This is difficult!" Brooklyn whines.

"What book is she reading at the minute? You could do something using that." Jack says.

"I can't even remember the name of it." I reply, sighing.

"I'm seeing Kayleigh later, I can find out for you." Andy says.

"Thanks man. I need to think of something though." I say, starting to stress.

"Mikey, don't worry. You'll think of something." Brooklyn reassures me.

"You have nothing to worry about mate." Andy agrees.

Andy's POV:

"Alright guys I'm going to Kayleigh's." I announce, putting a jacket on and fixing my hair in the mirror.

"Remember to text me the name of the book!" Mikey says.

"I'll do it first thing." I reply.

"Thanks mate." He says.

"No problem, right see yous later." I say walking out of the flat.

I arrive at Kayleigh's and walk straight in to see a flash of her running across the hall to her room."

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