Chapter 7

501 6 12

Shoutout to wolfess21 yes girl!
Kayleigh's POV:

"Clo! Please hurry up! We need to get going!" I shout as she finishes getting ready in the bathroom of my flat.

"You're such a control freak! Give me a minute!" She replies, grumbling.

"Sorry if I don't want us to be late!" I reply sarcastically and flop myself down on the sofa.

"The boys can wait!" Clo replies.

"It never takes you this long to get ready. Putting extra effort in to impress Mikey are we?" I laugh.

"Oh shut up Kayleigh!" She replies, sounding embarrassed.

Fifteen minutes later she emerges from the bathroom.

"Do I look Okay?" She asks, sounding apprehensive.

I look up from my phone. "Clo! You look great! Come on!" I say excitedly and heading for the door.

Blair's POV:

Boy's you do realise that the world will not wait for you five to get ready? I've been ready for the last half hour. I say from their bedroom door, watching them rush around and arguing about who's wearing someone else's shirt. It's like having five kids of my own.

"Nearly ready Blair!" Brooklyn says, fixing his hair in the mirror.

"Good lad Brook!" I reply. "The rest of you hurry up!"

"I call shotgun!" Rye screams.

"Not fair!" Jack whines.

"Maybe next time buddy!" Rye laughs.

"You always get shotgun Rye!" Andy says, finally ready as he sprays quite a lot of aftershave over himself.

"Could you lay off the aftershave Andy?" I choke.

"Sorry dude!" He replies cheekily.

"He's trying to impress Kayleigh." Mikey explains, smiling.

"I could say the same for you Mikey, you haven't put this much effort into your appearance for ages. You even showered mate." Andy jokes.

"Everyone ready?" I ask sounding hopeful and looking at my watch.

"Yeap!" They reply together.

"Let's go!" I say, heading to the car.

Mikey's POV:

So like a week or two ago Blair told us that Bon Jovi were performing in Wembley Stadium and he thought it would be a good idea for us as a band to go to the show and learn about stage presence and stuff. And it just so happened to be one of my favourite bands on the planet.

Andy and I decided that it would be a good idea to get a ticket for Kayleigh and Clo and surprise them, to try and cheer them up as they're going through a pretty tough time at the minute. Tonight is also the night that Blair asks Kayleigh and Clo if they want to come and work with us, permanently. I'm excited but nervous at the same time. I hope they say yes.

We arrive and all the boys and Blair go into the stadium and Andy and I wait outside for the girls.

"Hey guys!" Kayleigh shouts as she walks towards us. She hugs me and then Andy, his hug seemed to last longer than mine. He holds her for as long as he can get away with before it got weird.

"Where's Clo?" I ask, concerned that she didn't come.

"Oh, she's coming. I got too excited and walked on ahead." Kayliegh explains.

"You're such a great friend aren't You?" Andy looks at her and laughs.

"Not my fault I'm easily excited. What are we doing here anyway?" She playfully tries to hit his chest and he dodges it, laughing.

"Not Fair!" She laughs.

"All will be revealed soon enough." He says to her.

"Why don't I trust those words coming from you guys?" Clo says walking up to me. And we all laugh.

"Hey Clo!" I say, not being able to keep the smile off my face. She looks even more beautiful than before, I didn't think that was possible.

"Hey Mikey!" She says hugging me and I hold her in my arms, not wanting to let her go. I close my eyes and I can't help myself but smell her hair. I think I might be in love.

"Come on guys!" Andy shouts excitedly and we all go into the stadium.

Clo's POV:

The atmosphere in the stadium is electric and Kayleigh and I still don't have a clue what's happening or who we're about to see. The boys are so excited and keep giggling, it's starting to creep me out.

"Will you please tell me what's happening?" I plead, looking at Mikey and give him puppy dog eyes to try and make him tell me.

"As cute as you look doing that, I want to keep it a surprise." He says, putting his arms around me.

"Okay fine, promise it's a good surprise?" I ask.

"Course I do!" He reassures me, resting his chin on my head as I hug him. He smells amazing.

The lights turn off all of a sudden and the sold out stadium erupts with screams and cheers. Kayleigh grabs my hand in excitement and Mikey grand my other hand. By the look of it, Andy grabs Kayleigh's other hand, cute. The boys look at us grinning but we're completely focused on the stage.

"Good evening London!" An American voice rumbles through the speakers and the whole stadium cheers.

"I know that voice!" Kayleigh turns to me. We look at each other.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I reply, nervously.

"It can't be!" She replies. The boys laugh.

The stage lights explode on and the introduction for Bon Jovi's song 'Have A Nice Day' errupts through the stadium.

My heart is pounding and Kayleigh and I look at each other, screaming, crying, hugging each other and jumping up and down at the same time.

"It's Bon Jovi! It's really him! It's really them!" Kayleigh fangirls.

"I can't believe it!" I scream, tears rolling down my face.

I grab Mikey and pull him into the tightest hug known to man.

"Thank you so much Mikey! I can't believe it! This is the best thing ever! This is legit the best day of my life! I can't thank you enough!

He wraps his arms around me smiling. "Anything for you Clo! I thought you needed cheering up and this was just the right thing to do that!"

Hey guys! So the girls were surprised with a Bon Jovi gig!

I personally couldn't think of anything better to be surprised with lol.

The next question for RoadTrip Trivia is: Which member of the band fell into the lake in RoadTrip TV?

Congrats again to: Chloe 



Shannon xx

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