Chapter 1

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James POV

Walking into Kings college only two things were on my mind

One: which tumbling layout was going to use when I tried out for the cheerleading squad and

Two: who was my roommate going to be?

I was in such deep thought I didn't notice the really, really tall guy I was walking straight towards.


"Oh gosh goodness gracious, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and wow let me help you with your bags"

The words ran off his tongue so fast it almost sounded like he was speaking another language and was he.. blushing?

No, no way in hell this tall rather attractive,and really familiar looking, guy blushing at me. I'm just a 5'4 skinny boy

But I've got to be pretty small so people can throw me in the air. And to do flips and you know basically just cheering in general.

Oh no oh no I've been staring at him this whole time, but he doesn't seem to mind and neither do I.

Ok I actually have to save something now

"Um, hi! I'm James by the way. James Madison. Uh, you don't have to be sorry it's okay! And I might take you up on that offer on helping me with her bags~"

Did I just, omg, I winked at him. Wtf James!?

"Okay sounds nice, and I'm Thomas Jefferson by the way."

I must have heard him wrong, no way! No way did I wink at the Thomas Jefferson. The star quarterback that literally has carried the Kings football team along with the defensive linebacker Hercules Mulligan. I'm feeling faint.

"Umm thanks," Thomas laughed and possibly..... blushed.

"Oh shit, I said that out loud didn't I?"

"Yeah, it's okay I get that a lot. By the way which dorm are you in?"

"Liberty Hall, floor 3, room 89"

"You're kidding?!?

"What? Is that a bad dorm?"

" no you're not gonna die," he giggled, "it's actually very nice. The surprising part is that that's my dorm as well. Which meanssss.....


"Oh my gosh you're like 6'2 and you sound like a 12 year old girl!"

"Whatever! I'm 6'7, by the way, and what's in this bag it probably weighs more than you!"

Wow, He's talkative. "It's my coconut oil, gotta be smooth."

"Well how much coconut oil did you bring? Like how were you carrying this before you're like 5 feet tall!"

I'm gonna ignore the short joke because he is kinda, just a little bit, my dream guy. "I've got to be moisturized to look hot so I can cheer. And also I'm 5'4." Putting a lot of emphasis on the 4

"You cheer! Wow you're gonna be at all my games, and parties, and occasionally practices!"

Thomas seems really.. too excited about that, but I'm just gonna say that he's being nice.

"Well I'm not on the squad yet. Tryouts are Saturday morning so I've got 2 days to be a nervous wreck, haha" omygod I hate that nervous laugh. It's actually so embarrassing. But whatever, I don't have a shot with him anyway.

"I'm sure you'll do fine," he reassured, "did you cheer in high school?"

"Yeah, I was a star flyer and was elected cheer squad captain in my sophomore year. I was the youngest in school history."

I'm usually pretty modest, but cheer is the one thing that makes me confident enough to brag.

And Thomas seemed pretty impressed

"Wow, that's really amazing! I have a cousin on the squad want me to put a good word in for you😉"

"No thanks, I'd rather get on the squad with my tight figure and how good I look in a short skirt." I was kidding but he doesn't laugh. Thomas actually seems a little bit dazed by my comment, I wonder why

"Thomas, Thomas. AY YO T. JEFFS!," I yelled a little too loud. And now people are staring. Crap

"O sorry just got a little sidetracked, haha," damn he is nothing like he is right after he wins a game on the tv. He usually acts all cocky and arrogant and hot. But right now he just seems like a super goofy dork.

"It's okay, hey is that our room right there"

I point to the door with the gold 89 above its frame.

"Yup, do you have a key?" I nod. "Okay, will you unlock it and help me get your damn coco shit through the door?"

"Oh don't be such a baby," I grab the bag from his hand like it was empty. His face was dumbfounded

"The fuck.."

"In cheer, they tried to make me a base a lot because I'm a guy but I'm way better at flying and tumbling so I'm not a base anymore but it was a great arm workout." I explain

"And I'm the 3rd best quarterback in the nation!"

"Who relies heavily on your defensive linebacker, THE Hercules Mulligan!"

Uh oh did he hear my fan girl voice go off. I mean Thomas might be my dream man but Hercules is a close second. Like really close~


Thomas's voice snaps me out of my footballer daze

"Yes?" He seems surprised by my annoyed tone so I smile at him. This really seems to make him giddy.

"My bed's the one on the left and you can have the one on the right, the public bathrooms are down the hall to the left. I'll leave you to get settled."

Okay so I have just met my dream man and figured out that I will be sharing a room with him for the next year so I'm gonna do what any normal person would do.

Scream like a little girl and bawl like a baby.

Life is already so much better here than it was back home. I just can't believe it. I have my very own bed and my ex doesn't know where I am. I am going to live here.

••••••••timeskip to after he unpacks••••••••

I'm lying in my new bed in my new room just loving my new life when Thomas comes back in, sweaty, but he made it kinda hot.

"Hey, Jimmy James, you wanna catch a movie with me my cousin and his boyfriend?"

"Um ok sure! What should I wear?"

He laughs at me. "Whatever you want dork." The way he said dork sounded a lot more like babe to me.

I start looking in my trunk for something cute but that doesn't scream 'easy fuck'

I finally decide on some black skinny jeans and my dark green loose turtleneck sweater. I turn around to show Thomas and he is definitely staring this time

"Hey, earth to tommy boy? So... how do I look?"

I strike a pose and now he's blushing, hard.

"You look.. amazing! Uh let's go, I'll drive!"


Ok this is my first book if you have questions or suggestions PLEASE comment. I need/ would love some feedback. Luv ya'll


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