Chapter 8

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Guess who skipped all da way to Halloween. this gal. Check out my funky lams fic. Also it gets suggestive so I'll put this 💕 for kinda and this ❣️ for very

James POV

The past month Thomas and I have been inseparable. Classes started and we still had practice, but outside of that we spent almost all of our time together.

And Thomas has been bugging me about Halloween costumes. He kept suggesting basic things such as: cats, salt and pepper, pb&j. To be honest, I was actually extremely disappointed in his lack of creativity. Maybe that's just because I absolutely love Halloween

It's the one night a year where you can dress and act like a slut with zero judgement whatsoever. Also I'm amazing at costumes. Well I don't like make costumes or come up with incredibly amazing ideas, but I look pretty damn sexy in whatever I pick.

"Thomas, how do you feel about Hugh Hefner and a playboy bunny."

"Ugh. Hefner's old and kinda gross, don't you think he kind of objectifies women."

"Well yeah, but I make a great playboy bunny. I should know I did it freshman year and you bet your ass that I got some."

Thomas looks a little uneasy at my mentions of being with guys other than him.

"Okay babe, let's compromise. How about you go as Elle Woods in the party scene from Legally Blonde and I'll go as that guy she marries, whoever he is. That sound good?"

"Thomas I love that idea! I do look great in light pink you know? And btw she marries Emmett."

"Did you just say btw out loud?" He asks, slightly exasperated.

I nod with my hands on my hips, giving him a small smile. "Now come on, we've got to go to Victoria Secret. The party is tonight, which gives us.... 6 hours to find something."

When we get to the store I immediately find some things to try on. Thomas is sheepishly looking through stuff on racks.

"Hey Thomas, I've got some things that might work for the party tonight. Anything catch your eye that you might want my to try on back there?"

I try to sound as innocent as possible while uttering those rather seductive words. Thomas turns away to hide his blush, but quickly composes himself. He likes to be in control of the situation. So he grabs the first thing he sees in one of the drawers next to him.

"How about this?" Thomas is trying to act like he's the one who brought me here. I think he's used to being the player in most situations. I'm also pretty sure that Thomas didn't mean to pick this one out, but I love it. It's deep red with rose embroidery over the nips. It was probably made for someone with boobs, but I'll probably still look fine.

When we get to the dressing rooms the lady assigns me a room, leaving Thomas to sit with the sugar daddies and overexcited probably too young for lingerie girls. But that's their life, I obviously can't judge.

The first thing I try on is a rather basic light pink thing that kind of resembles a thin one piece swimsuit. I don't even go out to show Thomas that one because it is so plain.

Next, I try on a lacy two piece. The bottoms are like a thong, but with some more butt coverage. The top is like a bikini top for flat chested girls, so it works for me. It comes with a pink silky robe that you're supposed to wear and then take off. Definitely showing this to Thomas.

I step out of the dressing room with the robe on and look at Thomas for comments. His jaw hits the floor when he sees me.

"Y-you look amazing, really!"

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