Chapter 7

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Suggestive?  Eh. Pls suggest what should happen next because I have ideas but I feel like readers get to see it in a diff  light so  pleaseee



James POV

"Thomas, good luck at the game."

"Aw, that's sweet of you, but you know what would make me feel really lucky?"


"A kiss."

Ever since our date on Wednesday, Thomas has been looking for any excuse he can find for a kiss. To be honest, so have I, he just usually beats me to it.

I plant a peck on his cheek, secretly wanting to make out right there on the sidelines.

"Come on, sweetheart, can I get a real kiss?"

I don't have to think twice before throwing my pom pomed arms around his neck, causing him to stumble backwards. Thomas grabs my hips and pulls me up into the air while I wrap my legs around his waist.

Thomas is first to pull away. "Thanks, I feel really damn lucky now, darling."

"You're welcome," I smirk. "Win the game and don't forget that you're my date to Laf's victory clubbing night or whatever."

"Of course we're winning and I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Thomas runs onto the field for warmups and I walk over to the rest of the squad.

I filled Peggy and Laf in on me and Thomas's date, yesterday. They were supportive and agree that he's a great guy.

When I see Peggy warming up, she just looks at me with a sly grin plastered onto her face.

"You didn't tell me that you guys were doing.. you know... the deed." She makes vague hand gestures while saying this.

"Peggy, no. Shuttup. Seriously. No.. just no. We haven't done anything like that!" I stammer out.

"Not yet."

She is sometimes so annoying, but it's really just because she's right. Not about us having sex, but the fact that this relationship is moving incredibly fast. I'm worried that it'll end up being a fling, that we'll go too far, too fast and there'll be nowhere else to go. For now, I'm going to focus on cheering and I'm going to do whatever feels right. I mean if I have to save up my feelings for them to last, then it wasn't meant to be. Right?

My thoughts are disrupted by the national anthem playing. The other cheerleaders and I stand, facing the flag with hands over our chests and smiles on our faces.

After the anthem we make an alley with two lines of people for the football players to run through.

It's just a bunch of faces in a crowd running past. Sometimes one of them stop to wink or whistle at a cheerleader, which happened to me about 4 times. Then I see Thomas and I cheer noticeably louder as he runs by. He winks through his helmet as he runs by. Wow that was cute.

No James, stop drooling over Thomas and get your cheer face on. There we go.


For the first quarter we do some simple stunts and cheers. The basic, "when we say blah blah you say blah blah. Blah blah!" Usually I would be bored out of my mind, but college games are a lot bigger than high school ones.

All of the sudden, the announcers say my man's name and I'm enthralled in the game.

"Here comes Thomas Jefferson, a sophomore star quarterback, third in the nation. He fakes a pass then heads around, missing defendant after defendant. Oh he's gonna make it- he's gonna do it folks. Touchdown!!! For the Klovers."

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