five: dinner

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"Justin can you please fix Aryan's bow honey?" Scarlett said to me while she put her lipstick on.

"Come here buddy" I said as I sat down on the edge of the bed and made Ayana sit while Aryan came running to me.

"Mommy looks good doesn't she?" I said loudly for mommy to hear it and I saw her smile through the mirror from the corner of my eyes and Aryan giggled.

"Yes she always does" Aryan said.

"And so do my boys" Scarlett said.

"But Mommy, I remember hearing you scream last night but I was too sleepy to come and see. Why were you screaming so much?" Aryan asked and I almost laughed when Scarlett's smile dropped and her face turned red.

"Yes mommy, tell us why were you screaming?" I added and she glared at me.

"Well, since daddy was right there with me, why don't you tell them?" She said to me and smiled sarcastically and I glared back at her before Aryan looked at me.

"Uh...well, she kinda um. I rolled over her side too much and she fell of the bed and hurt her head so she uh....screamed?" I said and silently prayed that he'd buy it.

That was no where close to the reason and ya'll already know why she was screaming *wink and nod*

"Really?! Mommy did you get a boo boo?" He said worriedly and walked to her to check her head.

"No baby, luckily I didn't get a boo boo....but it is a little sore there" She said and I bit the insides of my cheek to keep from smirking as I stood up and walked to her.

"You should better use ice there so it doesn't get more sore tonight" I said and she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"No! you don't roll over her side and make her fall!" Aryan scolded me.

"What, you just care about mommy too much Aryan, you don't think about your dad at all" I said dramatically and picked up Ayana in my arms again and kissed her cheeks loudly.

"He's just doing that to make you jealous" Scarlett whispered to Aryan.

"I heard that and no I'm not trying to make anyone jealous, its just that my angel Ayana is so much more unproblematic than ya'll. Right princess?" I said and she just gave me a wide smile, showing the two little teeth that were starting to show and my heart just melted and I kissed her nose.

"Alright now let's go down" Scarlett said and we left the room and went downstairs and into the dinning room where the whole family had gathered.

"Oh my angel looks so beautiful!" Cam said and grabbed Ayana and spun her around.

She was equally happy to see her Uncle Cam.

"Uncle Cam you have forgotten about me! Everybody just plays with Ayana and no one cares about me!" Aryan said and folded his arms and pouted and just folded his legs and sat down on the floor.

"Aryan! Honey why would you say that, everyone loves you bubs" Emma said and picked him up.

"You might not even remember how much we played with you when you were a baby, its just Ayana is little now and the new one so everyone likes to play with her but that doesn't mean we don't love our bubs anymore" Cam said and gave him a side hug.

"So when you and Aunt Em have a baby, everyone will play with her more too?" Aryan said and everyone laughed as Cam's and Emma's face turned red.

"Well, uh, yeah but my point it that doesn't mean that the other kid becomes less loved. We love you just as much as we love Ayana" Cam said and kissed his forehead.

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