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(I ended up making one day two parts wow what is wrong with me)


ALL THROUGHOUT SCIENCE CLASS VERONICA'S EYES WERE ON PETER PARKER. She stared in suspicion and complete curiosity during the period. He was doing something weird next to his desk, examining something that was definitely not the lab they were doing that day.

"But trust me, there's nothing BOHR-ing about his discovery regarding quantum physics," the teacher was saying. He tried to play off the pun with a bright smile, but no one bothered to laugh.

She would have probably retorted back with a smart-ass comment during her teacher's lecture. However, she was too focused on what Peter was doing from the lab desk nearby. 

Veronica's jaw dropped as she saw Peter try to pull out a glass rod from the graduated cylinder in his drawer. When trying to remove it, something from the graduated cylinder clung onto the rod. It looked like a sort of slimy gauze. What the hell is that thing? she thought.

It wasn't anything like she'd ever seen be made in their classroom. It resembled so very closely to a-

"Web," she blurted out loud. 

"Yes, Miss Lodge?" her teacher boomed. "Are there findings you wish to share with the rest of your class?"

The class went silent. Even Peter stopped to stare at Veronica inquisitively. 

Well, shit. "No, nothing, really, besides the fact we're so early in the school year and already is this class super BOHR-ing," she answered smoothly. She heard snickers from across the room and immediately felt proud of herself for that- but of course she wouldn't show it on her face.

The teacher frowned at her but said nothing. He knew better than to try and start anything with the Lodges, given the fact her father made more in a week than the teacher would probably make in a lifetime. 

The bell rang signalling the end of the period and the beginning of lunch, and as soon as she turned around to look at Peter, he'd disappeared. 

Immediately as requested in the beginning of the day, Liz texted her. 

Meet where the tables are. Betty has all the flyers. - L

"Fuh...." she stopped herself from cursing out loud. Homecoming wasn't really something she kept in mind. Just going out on a bender in the hottest club in NYC sounded more ideal in her opinion. But she was doing it for Liz, her favorite senior and favorite person in general. 

When she finally went into the cafeteria, Liz pushed her onto the ladder. "I'll climb up on the other side and you can help me, okay?"

"Sure thing girl," Veronica smiled and held onto one end of the banner. "WHERE SHOULD I TIE IT?" she asked when Liz climbed up on the ladder on the other side. 

VERONICA · PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now