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‎❝IF I HAD A DOLLAR FOR EVERY TIME YOU ASKED ME ABOUT YOUR HAIR, I'D BE RICHER THAN MY FATHER," hissed Veronica Lodge as she rolled her eyes at the blonde peering at a large mirror. "Seriously, get a life."

Veronica had taken her friends to one of her favorite shops in New York, where they sold high-end accessories, handbags, and more. She didn't always buy the items sold here, but when she did, she would fashion them in a matter that would aid her rather than just be something pretty to look at.

It was something that she felt she could relate to- maintaining her belief she could be more than a pretty face. She could have edge. Her tongue was sharp, able to cut people with the words she spoke. That was her reputation in her previous school, and history was just waiting to repeat itself.

After several misdemeanors regarding her "bullying" ways in the early months of freshman year, Veronica transferred from the Spence School to Midtown High during the second semester. She was told that public school would "make her better." The transition wasn't as brutal as she prayed it would be, and decided maybe tormenting misfits wasn't as fun as she believed in her old school. She could defend herself rather than stay as the offense.

Still, it was fun watching them wriggle like a worm on a hook every now and then. 

Even on the last day before school started was Betty complaining about how dull her hair was. It was a hot day, drier than normal and bound to give Betty Brant more to complain about than just her split ends. Veronica was already dreading taking her to go shopping.

Veronica was happy, however, at the fact her closest friend Liz was able to come. Liz and she often exchanged looks of fake-disappointment whenever Betty opened her mouth to complain about anything. 

"Well, Veronica," Betty began icily, "not everyone can be blessed with pretty hair like yours."

Veronica's brain was more focused on the task at hand than at Betty, looking up at the shelves holding handbags, then down at the glass cases showcasing beautiful pieces of jewelry and other accessories.

Still, she knew it was usually impolite not to respond, no matter where the comment came from. "Oh, thank you," Veronica smiled. "But that wasn't my point now, was it?"

"Whatever. Damn, my face is like cracked porcel-"

"Now hurry up. Stop whining about your hair and skin."

"But I just-"

"Come on, there's nothing good here today," Veronica pulled the girl's arm and hauled her and Liz out of the boutique.

"Why did we even come here if you were just gonna go for ten minutes, anyway?" Betty said.

Veronica did everything in her power not to lash out at the girl. Question after question- it made her wonder why she ever dared to approach her when she first arrived at Midtown High. Today Betty was being more of a nuisance than usual. Liz didn't mind as much this time, seeing that her eyes never left the flashcards she brought along with her.

VERONICA · PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now