Thotran returns

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The robot flung in to the air and clashed with funky Kong and funky turned his setting to "terror mode" and shot the bots arm off. " THATS USELESSNESS! IT'LL ONLY GROW BAC-" just as the king spoke groovy grabbed its back and opened its wire box, he messed with the wires as the robot flung around and spun. "Activating rebel mode" the robot spoke, the Thot boy then rushed to another boy slashing it in two and ripping its bolts from part to part. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! SEIZE THAT REBEL ROBOT!" The king screeched, "you can't! I checked and it says that the bots can't attack another one! Dude I totally messed you up now!" Groovy scoffed. "GRR! ILL TEAR YOU APART!" The king was furious as he watched the one Thot boy tear the rest apart, "YOU 2 GET THAT TINY MONKEY!" The king pointed at groovy. The two bots stormed at groovy and ganged up on him punching him over and over, funky then held one back and groovy re-wired it. There was now 2 rebel robots. "GAH! YOU'VE LEFT ME WITH NO OTHER OPTION! ILL JUST HAVE TO CALL THOTRAN!" The king then yelled in a horn and the clouds turned dark, then from the beyond the dragon they met before crashed the rough the back door and roared. "I WONT LET YOU BEAT ME ANOTHER TIME!" The dragon swooped at funky Kong.

Funky Kong the Thot Destroyer: EscapedWhere stories live. Discover now