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Letty and Mia was eating their dinner with Jack in Letty's arms.

"I feel like something bad is about to happen." Mia said to Letty.

"You worry too much Mia."

"I am not kidding Letty."

"Okay, so what do you feel is wrong?"

"Maybe because the team is doing this job and like how I have Jack...."

"You are worried that the team's enemies might hurt him."


"Mia it's gonna be okay."

"I hope so."

After the girls had dinner and put Jack to bed, they went their separate ways.

Both girls couldn't sleep that night, for Letty she was thinking about Dom and Mia that feeling still lingered.

The next morning they decided to take Jack out of the house and walked in the yard.

While Letty was playing with Jack and making funny faces at him Mia was still looking worried.


"Yeah." She said not taking her eyes off Jack.

"What's that car doing here?"

When Letty looked up she saw a black vehicle and saw a blonde woman exit the car and a well built man.

"Shit." Letty said, "come one Mia."

Letty dragged Mia to a place in the yard where she could escape. Letty knew she couldn't go with Mia or else the man and woman would follow them.

"Mia take this." Letty said handing Mia a gun. "Run, do you hear me, run don't stop."

"I am not leaving without you." Mia said with tears in her eyes.

"You have to." Letty said then she ran with the woman after her.

She ran into the house and as she turned the corner she looked back but then two pairs of arms caught her then the woman pointed a gun at her.

"You're coming with us." The woman said.

"You know you are a pretty little thing, maybe I'll have some fun with you." Klaus said running one of his hands up and down her body.

Her body stiffen up immediately

"No, please."

"You can't tell me what to do."

And that was the last thing she heard before blackness consumed her.

The next day Letty woke up with a serious headache. Then she saw the blonde man on the phone.

"Yeah we got her."

"Ok boss."

"Well well well look who's awake." He said when he got off the phone.

"Where am I?"

"You don't have to worry about that princess."  Klaus said tracing his fingers down her face .

"Don't touch me." She said slapping his hands away.

"You're a feisty one, aren't you?"
He slapped her across her face but she didn't back down she delivered a hard one to his face.

"You bitch!"  He screamed at her then knock her head hard against the wall making droplets of blood stream down her face.

"You're one tough bitch." He said when he realize she was still conscious.

She spat in his face giving him a clear message she wasn't afraid.

He chuckled at her and he was backing away. At first Letty thought he was gonna leave her alone so she relaxed.

She was dead wrong, instead he took up her right leg and snatched it out of its place.

Letty let out an ear piercing scream and few tears escaped her eyes. He then got up and went somewhere else.

"Dom where are you?" She muttered quietly under her breath. Silently crying.

Here is another chapter!!!

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