•6• ᴄᴀɴᴅʟᴇs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴀʀs

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I will walk through hell
With these words I fell
Straight into your arms
With this crown of thorns
In my crown of thorns.

(Andy's POV yE)

I did all that for a reason. I didn't just go hurt him for my own pleasure, it fucking sucked. I hated hurting him but it had to be done. Juliet was... Sick. Basically she has connections and she knows how to do things no normal person would do. I knew if I didn't get him away from me he'd get hurt. Juliet may seem innocent but she's not. She may seem weak but she's got a good punch. I would know.

So why am I still with her? I have to be. If I leave her she'd kill off mg family and Rem. I love him, and I'd rather be beaten and broken then lose him. He knows what's going on but I can't tell him. Everything to do with me is somehow monitored. The kiss, the cuddling. It only made her worse so I had to put an end to it.

I miss his touch.

I miss his warmth.

I miss his kiss.

I miss his smile.

I miss him.

I sighed and applied more foundation over my brushed eyes, along with my cheeks and ribs. She went psycho when Remmy posted that picture. She started breaking things and said it was my fault so i got out of the before she could anything worse. It was nice to atleast talk to him, even if it was arguing. I might not have been able to hug him like I wanted but it was nice to hear his voice.

We only had two weeks left together and I was not about to waste it like this. I had to make it up to him, I didn't want things to end this way, so I decided I'd try to get the boys to make him meet me at one of my favorite places after our set.


I got Sebastian and Emerson to tell him to go to an old abandoned warehouse, where I knew we would be safe. I hid by a tree and waited until I heard his voice. "Emerson where are you guys? It's really sketchy here." He said, he must have called them. I smirked as he got closer. I was gonna scare the living shit out of him.

Just as he hung up, he passed the tree I was at and I grabbed him from behind. I covered his mouth and he struggled against me. "It's just me, rem." I whispered and let him go. He shoved me. "You ass!" he exclaimed. I chuckled. "sorry. Follow me please." He rolled his eyes. "are you sure? I thought I was too clingy." he muttered. I instantly felt bad, but I had to say those things. "I want to explain myself for the other day and I want to make things right." He sighed and nodded, following me into the house.

I heard him gasp as we stepped inside. I had placed candles everywhere and laid down a cover for us to sit on. There was an opening in the ceiling where we could look up at the stars. I looked at him and smiled shyly. "I really wanted to make up for all the things I said, and explain myself," I told him. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand, walking over to the blankets. We both took a seat next to each other. "Remington...there's a lot I need to tell you. There's a lot you don't know about me. I kind of don't know where to start.." He smiled lightly and laid his head on my shoulder. "How about starting with the easiest thing?" I nodded and squeezed his hand. I took a shaky breath and prepared myself for the events I was about to describe. "I-I can assume you already knew that Juliet is...a little violent.." He rolled his eyes. "More like abusive, but go on." He muttered. "Well..it all started 2 years after us being together. She was starting to slap me around and I was sure she was just stressed because of her touring but it never stopped. She progressively started getting worse and I knew better than to reach out because no one would ever believe me. Have you seen her? Shes tiny! She'd just say she was defending herself or something.. I dont know how I let it get this bad..I'm scared shes going to kill me, Rem. I know I sound like a pussy but she really is fucking crazy. I don't know what to do." He looked at me. "Andy.. I already knew she was beating you. I could tell from the moment I saw you. You're so pale and skinny. You aren't who you used to be. I didn't know you but I knew your band and you used to be so happy with them." Rem said. I hugged him tightly. "Now.. Onto the other day." I pulled away and he grabbed my hand. "Obviously I meant nothing that i said. I just.. I had to. Juliet told me if I didn't shed get rid if you somehow and that scared me. Remington... I love you. I can't lose you, so I'd rather keep you alive and hurt myself then lose you.. If that makes any sense.." I said, biting my lip. He was just staring at me. "Andrew Dennis Biersack.. I love you too." He smiled. I leaned in and kissed him slowly and passionately. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed back, laying us down gently. I started go kiss down his jawline and neck, sucking and biting on different spots earning little whimpers from him.

I ran my hand up his shirt and traced his abs and felt him shiver lightly. I smirked. "A-Andy.." He whimpered. I pulled of his and my shirt, looking up at him. "hmm?" I asked quietly. He sat up. "Are you sure?" He asked quietly. "As long you are you are."

I kissed down his neck and collar bones, then took one if his nipples in my mouth. He moaned lightly and I smirked, swirling my younger around the hard bud. I palmed him through his jeans and unbuttoned them. He whimpered lightly and stopped me. "Wait!" I stopped instantly. "What? Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded. "I-I've never done.. This before.."He whispered. "Wait you mean you've never..." He nodded and closed his eyes in shame. I chuckled lightly. "Did you think I'd stop after you said that?" He shrugged. "m-maybe..." He whispered. "Baby do you even realise how tempting that is? I'll be gentle I promise." I said. He nodded and laid back down.

×•×•×•×•× (no smut bc I'm awkward and cringy oOpS)

As I played there with Remington beside me, gazing at the stars, id never felt more complete. I sighed contently and kissed Remington's head. "I love you, Rem." I said quietly. He smiled at me sleepily. "I love you too."

It was like we wee in our own little world. No worries, no doubts. Just us and the stars. I heard his steady breathing and realised he was asleep, so I pulled a blanket over him and pulled him to my chest. I closed my eyes and smiled at his sent, falling asleep almost instantly.



Sorry for not putting in smut, but I'm awkward and kinda uncomfortable with it? Idk

That's great, but what happens next is going to kill your faith in humanity. Stay tuned for more (~‾∇‾)~

Our Fake  Paradise •√• Andy B. X Remington L. (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now