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Sam was a better kisser than I remember.

I laid awake in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I cheated on Aaron and all I was thinking about was how good Sam's lips felt against mine.

I flitched when Aaron's arm drapped across my stomach as he stirred in his sleep. I ran my hand through his hair softly, biting my lip in thought.

I need to tell him. If I hold it in, it'll eat me alive.

So many things will change and nothing will ever be the same.

He trusted me.

Once eight a.m hit, I sat up. I kissed Aaron's cheek before getting up and showering. I changed into clothes for the day and went to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. I settled on cereal, as I was too distracted to prepare a five star meal.

Holding this secret inside of me killed. I had to tell someone, but who? I had no real girl friends out in Los Angeles. I had Emily but she was back in Nebraska. I couldn't talk to Stas or Madison, I didn't know her that well. As I scrolled through my Twitter feed, I saw that Jack Johnson had tweeted three minutes ago.

A light bulb went off in my head, Johnson was the perfect person to talk to. He gave good advice and knew how to keep a secret. He always helped me back in high school, so how was now different?

I found his number in my phone and called him.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey JJ, it's me."

"I know, I have caller ID. What's up?"

I smiled, "I need to vent. Can we meet up?"

"I'm actually in our studio right now. No one's home so come over whenever."

"Cool, thanks."

"No problem, the entrance is on the side of the house next to the garage."

I said goodbye and hung up. I grabbed the keys for my Lambo and got in, pressing start. The engine reved and I made my way to Johnson's.

I decided to grab us smoothies before heading over there, so I stopped at a famous place in LA.

I parked my car and it drew attention as I got out. I entered the small shop and stood on line for a couple of minutes before it was my turn to order.

"How may I help- holy shit you're Albany Whittmore." The barista said with her mouth hanging open.

I forced a smile, "Can I please get two large Melon Coolers to go."

"O-Of course."

As I waited for her to make the smoothies, I looked out the window and saw many people crowding my car with their phone cameras, taking pictures. I then spotted the TMZ van and sighed, knowing they were going to ask me questions about Sam and Aaron, like always.

"Here you go. I read somewhere that you liked the chicken-mozzarella panini so I threw that in, everything's on the house." She smiled, pushing the bag towards me.

I smiled back in awe, "That's so sweet, thank you!"

I put a fifty dollar bill in her tip jar and walked out, preparing myself for the flashing lights.

"Albany! Al, over here!" The paparazzi yelled, video tapping me.

"Al! Tell me, are you back together with Sam?" The TMZ cameraman asked, blocking me from walking.

"No, i'm still with Aaron." I moved around him, unlocking my car.

"What's going on with you and Sam?" He asked again.

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