Chapter 21: Mariah and Peggy

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Peggy's PoV

I rolled off of Mariah, sweaty and out of breath. The room was filled with our panting. I closed my eyes and let the smell of sex mixed with Mariah fill my nose.

A warm arm wound it's way around my waist and a pair of hot, swollen lips gently pressed my neck. I hummed happily as Mariah snuggled back into my side. Her breath tickled my ear as it brushed across my neck.

"Mariah?" I asked, petting her hair.


"I love you."

"I love you too, Peggy."

"That's good. I don't know what I'd have done without you."

"Your one to talk. I was completely alone and everyone thought a I was whore. Now I have friends and an incredible girlfriend. Plus the sex is incredible."

I giggled and turned my head to her, opening my eyes. Her brown ones were staring back at me. I took a deep breath and said what I'd been wanting to for a while now.

"Lets change that."

"What?" She asked, becoming confused.

"Marry me."

Mariah's eyes widened. "What?"

I smiled softly. "Marry me. Please."


I kissed her nose. And then her cheek. And then her lips. "Perfect."

And then we were silent again. Neither of us spoke as we laid there, content to do nothing.


A rush of cold air hit our faces as we walked into the jewelry store. We were gonna get rings together, although we were debating even getting rings. I kinda wanted a necklace instead, and Mariah didn't like rings. Although we were gonna get simple bands for the engagement.

As we wandered the store a necklace caught my eye. It had red rubies forming a heart with a spinning diamond in the center. I immediately thought of the day I met Mariah.

As I ran from James Reynolds, who looked pissed about something (which I knew was a legitimate reason to run because he tended to get punchy), I couldn't help but think that I was going crazy. I swore I was hearing crying, but no one was around.

A voice drifted down the hallway. "I swear once I find that little bitch I'm gonna make her pay!"

His shadow came around the corner and I quickly ducked into the nearest door. A broom closet. I locked the door and sighed, turning to lean on the door.A pair of eyes stared at back at me.

They were brown, with dazzling flecks of gold, blown wide with fear and red from tears. They seemed to hold the wonder of a child, hiding behind a deep sea of fear and sadness. Plump lips were painted a daring red. Hair as curly as mine was half pulled back, showing off a neck I wanted to get my lips on.

A red sundress with a very low neckline adorned a body that seemed to come straight off the cover of a magazine. Five finger shaped bruises circled her neck and her chest was heaving, causing various cuts to keep spilling blood.

She looked to be the most scared girl I'd ever seen in my life. Yet she was beautiful.

I smiled. I could imagine the red nestled amongst her cleavage, shining in the light. I had to get it. It was to perfect not to.

I quickly bought it and slipped the bag into my yellow purse, not wanted her to see it.

Mariah's PoV

The golden chain caught my eye first. Then the tear shaped diamond, suspended in a golden hoop. It was beautiful, but not as beautiful as the one next to it.

A simple opal hung from a thin gold chain. A chain much like the one Peggy used to wear with her mothers locket on it. She was wearing it when we met.

The bottle broke against the wood of the chair I was hiding behind. I closed my eyes and silently said a prayer. I had never done this before. I'd always thought god wasn't real, but I needed him now.

Apparently I was right. For James came around the chair and grabbed my throat, dragging me on to my feet. "I told you that I wanted my lunch ready before I came home! And is it?"

I couldn't breathe or speak as he shook me and gripped me tighter. "I asked you a fucking question!!!"

"N-no." I managed to gasp out. He took his hand out from behind his back and smashed another bottle, this time on me. I opened my mouth to scream but his fingers dug deeper.

He threw me to the floor and began to unbuckle his belt as I gasped in my missed air. And then the phone rang. He stalked away grumbling and I collapsed.

The beer seeping into my chest stung, and I couldn't stop sobbing.

"Yeah I was about to have a little fun with her. Wanna come over and take a turn?" James's words made me scramble up from the floor and out the door.

I made it as far as the supply closet before I couldn't go any further. Only 3 hallways away. I was gonna die.

Suddenly the door opened. I looked up just in time to see a young girl shut it quietly, lock it, and sigh. She turned and our eyes met.

Hers seemed to ooze joy, and I couldn't keep looking. I glanced down, my eyes stopping on her neck. A golden chain with a simple locket hung from it, shifting slightly with her breath.

It was beautiful.

And then I passed out.

I paid for the necklace and then met Peggy at the front of the store. "Ready, my love?" She asked me, taking my hand.

I squeezed hers back and said, "As long as you are."

She kissed my cheek and I kissed her nose. We giggled like schoolgirls and walked to the car. We each got in, me driving, and I started the car.

"On to Angelica's and Eliza's! We have a friend group to tell!"

A/N: that's right I'm back.

I'm still not okay but I'm going back to writing so I can get my mind off of it all.

I wanna thank everyone who reads this book. I'm surprised I even get any views but I do so thank you.

My next update should come soon but if it doesn't, please don't kill me. I just need time.

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