Author's Uncovered!- Bigkat101

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1) How did you discover wattpad? 

 I discovered wattpad from my best friend. She loves to read and was always telling me to check out Wattpad because I was running out of books to read from the library. Also books are expensive! So I decided to check it out. I loved what I was reading so I joined. I had been writing for years and I thought why not let other people read my work. I'm glad she told me about it

2) How did you feel when you got your first few fans?

 I was ecstatic! I thought really these people like my stuff! I was telling everyone. I even called my grandma and she's was like what's a Wattpad? I love getting new fans. Whenever  I see I have a new fan I jump on here and thank them because they make my day and they deserve to know that.If I hadn't gotten those first few fans I never would have kept writing. Sure I would have read but they are what kept me going.

3)  Do you have any hate? If so how do you deal with it or if you dont how would you deal with it?

Truthfully I don't hate. There are some people that I strongly dislike and I do mean strongly. But more so I feel sorry for them.  It like when I was in elementary school I had a bully yes I think I hated her as a child but now I look at it and im like we were just kids we did stupid stuff. So I don't hate easily. To deal with disliking people I usually just try to stay away from them. I know that I can be vicious with words so I wouldn't want to hurt anyone knowingly. The best bet when you feel hate its to figure out why and confront it. Don't let it fester inside you

4) How do you deal with writers block?

Writers block its a tough one for me. The best thing I have found to do is to listen to music and read. Whenever I listen to music I can figure out a scene I would use it in for one of my books. I imagine what the characters would think of it and what they would do. Also reading helps. It shows me what other people are doing in there stories. It also helps to give ideas for your own. Never taking something from some else is key though. Yes you may like the idea but you have to make it your own. Sometimes all we need is a break to get the creative juices flowing.

5) What is your favourite story on wattpad right now?

Oh gahhhhh there are so many! I love so many writers on here and there storys are addictive. I have to say though that i'm in love with Ironclad by @ProudlyNigerian. She is an amazing writer. Ironclad keeps me reading and this is my third time reading it.

6) Who are you a mega fan of on wattpad?

There are so many writers that I love on here! Some of my favorites are:








They are all amazing writers and I am constantly re-reading all of the works

7) What do you think your life would be like if you never had wattpad or discovered it?

Boring as all get out. I would have nothing to do. I would be sitting on the couch watching TV instead of actually using my brain. I would also be broke. Flat out broke. This site has saved me so much money that I would have spent on books in a store that I can now use for other things. Like shopping!!!  I truthfully don’t think I would know what to do with my self if I hadn't discovered Wattpad. I have been home for weeks fresh out of surgery and if I didn’t have this site I would have gone crazy. Sitting around is not fun but when you have a good book to read it makes it all the better. I also met some of the coolest people on her. They love the same things I do (Reading and writing) which makes them good in my book. Truthfully I cant even remember my life before Wattpad and I have only been on her for a couple of months.

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