Chapter 6

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(A'mei POV)

*2 weeks later*

"Hey bitchhhh." I told Mia while walking into the therapy center. She was doing her last round of physical therapy. I was so happy for her, she was walking well and her memory was on point. The trauma to her head has healed about 85 percent. She had the gauges removed from her head a week ago and the scars had completely healed with the help of my special ointment. "Hey bae!" She screamed. I could tell she was very excited to see me, so I quickly put down my things and went over to her. She practically jumped into my arms as I began to laugh. "Aww you missed me lil baby?" I asked while smirking. "Yessss! Are you going to take me out today? I've been here all morning and I'm ready to go." She exclaimed. "Yes child I'm here to take you wherever you want to go." I said. "Ohhhh ok." She dragged out. Little did Mia know, she was in for a huge surprise at my house. "Mia, we going to my house for a while before we head out, because I have to clean up." I lied. "Okay, well while you do that I'm going to take a nap hell." She spoke. "Okay." I said once we pulled into my apartment driveway. I shot Mia's mom a quick text to tell them that we were in the driveway.

We both exited my car and went towards my front door. I unlocked the door and let Mia come in first. The lights where off and it was pitch black."Why is it so damn dark in here A'mei." Mia said. "Surprise!" Everyone shouted out. "And watch that mouth of yours," Mama Petterson, Mia mom spoke.
"Sorry ma." She said quietly. "Yeah , yeah but welcome back baby girl." She said while hugging her. Mia burst out into full blown tears. "Stop crying cry baby." I told her, as I put her head on my shoulder. "I'm not a cry baby!" She whined, giving me a look. "Shh, shhh , there, there mommas baby." I said in baby talk. She pinched me on my side so hard that I yelped. "Stupid bitch." I mouth out. "I seen that." Mama Petterson said sternly. "Sorry ma." I spoke softly. She just gave me a look. I looked over as I seen Mia talking to her friend Destiny. I liked Destiny, but sometimes she could be a pain in the ass to deal with. We were very cordial with eachother until she crossed the line and decided to hit with up on some bullshit saying how I wasn't being a good Bestfriend to Mia. I was polite enough to bring her in my house for Mia coming home celebration, but ever since my ass stepped in, the bitch was giving me the side eye.

I decided to walk over there and tell Mia that we were about ready to cute her cake. As I stood in beside Mia, I heard Destiny mumble some disrespectful shit up under her breathe and I turned to her. "Excuse me?" I asked confused. "Oh nothing." She stumbled over her words. "Oh I thought you said something like that." I said smartly. Mia gave me a slight push and burned a hole in the side of my face. I looked over and walked over to her cake. "Awww, this is so cute." Mia said giggling. " I know." I said grinning. The cake was made like a red rose, so it could symbolize the love everyone had for her since that bitch put his hands on her. "I love you bestie." I dragged out. "I love you more babe." She said.  After Mia cut her cake and everyone that wanted a slice got one, everyone started talking amongst themselves in their own little world. A while had passed by and everybody had left and the only ones left where Mia and I ."Mei come here." Mia said. "Yeah,wassup?" I said. "Why are you acting so damn funny." She said. "Because that bitch thinks she's your Bestfriend and I hand to give that hoe a check." I exclaimed. "Well she not." Mia said unsure. I looked into her eyes and I knew something was off. I shook off the thought and went to clean up the rest of my house.

After I was done, I went up to my room and grabbed my keys off my night stand. I came back down and grabbed the last present for her to open. I gave her the box and her eyes lit up. "Bestfriend!" She said surprised. "Open it." I said. She opens the box and to her surprise it was a matching bracelet set. "Aww, this is so cute!" She said in midway tears. "I hugged her and said if you ever take this shit off, Im beating your ass." I warned. "Yes ma'am." She said kissing my check. "Uhmm. Lets get you home lil girl." I said, making Mia laugh. "Okay, let me just grab my stuff." Mia said as she stopped and looked at the sink. "Mei ? What is this?" She said holding the ring Mell had got me. Mell bought me a ring about a week ago and I didn't tell anyone yet. I didn't want to take it, but he made me so I had no choice. "Uhmm, that's the ring Mell gave me." I said below a whisper. "What did you just say?" She began to get angry. "Its the ring Mell gave me." I said a little louder with my head down. "So we keeping secrets now." She raised her eyebrows. "No. I just haven't told nobody yet" I said softy. "I'm your Bestfriend, you supposed to
tell me everything!" She yelled. "First of all, what you not gone do is yell at me." I said with a attitude. "Nah I do what the fuck I want since you doing you." She said. "Seems like you been doing you, so continue." I said. "Yeah, you damn right I been doing me." She said aggravated. I rolled my eyes and walked outside. I was so overwhelmed with her pissy ass attitude and I was feed up. She knew what the deal was and I wasn't about to have none of that. I walked to my car, and got inside waiting for Mia. Sooner, rather than later, she came out into the car and we drove off in a unpleasant silence.

Twenty minutes later we had made it to her house and she got out. I noticed that she was about to cry, so I quickly grabbed her. "Don't cry, because you know you'll make me cry too." I said. She looked in my eyes and shook her head as the tears flowed down. She covered her face and hid inside of my chest. I rubbed her back and started confronting her. It was hard keeping things away from her, but I knew the biggest of them all would kill our relationship all in one blow.

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