Chapter 8

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(Riley POV)

MM: A'Mei & Ri

Shit was getting real crazy back at the Bando. Tracking down these niggas was something I been up for since forever. Tracking and hacking, plus all the other bullshit that comes with computers has been my specialty for many years now. I started at Lakewood High and wanted to get a degree and further my education In computer engineering and tech. I love working with different softwares and having to break into shit easily with just one click. Aside from all this computer shit though, I step dance on my free time. A lot of shit has been stressful on me and that really helps me release it. I started to walk towards my dresser as my dog broke me out of my thoughts.

He was wagging his tail for left to right and barking really loud. "What Marco?" I said aggravated. He kept barking and I knew he was ready to go outside. "Ight, c'mon nie. This is your last time coming out today." I said making sure he understood. I took him ouside for a few minutes and brought him back inside. Once I was settled in, I got a text from my coach saying that we were learning new steps today so I immediately ran to get out me something comfortable. I decided to go with a pair of black pants and black shirt. Sooner than later I was out and headed toward the dance studio.

(A'mei POV)

I was on my way to step practice. I was almost there when I got stop by a stop light. I looked over to the side and I seen an all black Jeep. It was this caramel skin girl looking like she was headed to go work out or dance. I avoided what she was doing when I noticed horns where beeping at me in the background. I quickly snapped out of my gaze and headed towards the dance studio.

*10 minutes*

We both arrived at the studio around the same time. I didn't realize that we would be going to the same studio and I never noticed her around. I went and signed in before I came over in the center of the room to stretch. I didn't intravels of 10 and ran once back and forth from wall to wall. I then decided to sit down and get my energy back up by calming down and drinking some of water that I had stored away.

Before I knew it Coach Denise came in and greeting everyone with her lovely presence. We started working on new dance steps because we had an important event coming up very soon. "Keep up Ri." I heard Coach Denise say. That was the girl I saw at the light and I just now notice her trying to figure out the new steps. She seemed to look like a good dancer, but she needed help on the new things we had just learned. "Hey, it goes like this." I said breaking down the steps. "Oh, thanks. It's just in a little rusty from not being here in a while." She pointed out. "I know, steps can be hard considering that I have done it for years. I just do it on my free time and go on competition when coach needs me." I said. "Yeah, I really do it to release the built up stress in my body from everything I've been through." She said. I thought to myself thinking that she was just like me in a sense. I liked her persona about herself and it seemed like she could be a great friend. I continued to talk to her as I heard coach screaming and yelling at us from afar warning us to get back on track. "Alright let's get this shit right before our ass get cussed out." I said as when both nodded in aggreement.

We got through tbe rest of practice and decided to meet up some other time to talk about other stuff. I soon was on my way home and went to my room to lay down. I decide to call Mell and see why he was being so damn distance all of a sudden. He hasn't really been talking to me since we had our first kiss or bought the ring. I was really shocked that he went to the extreme to buy me a ring. Everything was going good up until now. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with him, but I will find out soon. I called Mell and he answered on the 3rd ring. "Wassup Ma." He said tiredly. "Don't wassup ma, me." I said with a attitude. "What the fuck you got going on mama." He said in a Spanish accent trying to play. "Don't fucking play with me. But we need to talk." I said seriously. "About." He said confused. "I feel like you've been being real distant lately, and I'm not with all that." I said. "Why you feel that way ma." He said. "Because we don't really talk every day, nor be around eachother as much. Things only come into plan when you want things to happen and it seems as if your controlling." I said getting angry. "Okay, I understand how you feel." He said reassuring me. I was so shocked at the fact he understood that I repeated his statement. "You understand?" I questioned. "Yes, I do and I will try my hardest to do better." He said. "Aww, look at you. I hope you know your gonna have to show me better than you can tell me." I said as a smirk appeared on my face. "Yes mama I will." He said. I almost died at how sexy his voice sounded on my phone and I immediately had to stop.

Things where getting more and more intense as we talked to eachother day in and day out. I really started to like him over all as a person. He was nice when he wanted to be, very caring of others, and got along with almost every one he came in contact with. We stayed on the phone hours and caught up on what we had missed out on eachother. We had both been busy and had to deal with very important things. I understood where he came from with everything but some stuff I could tell he was lying about. I let it slide as all of the lies piled up in the back of my head. "I am going to figure out what's really up." I thought to myself as we continued to talk about many more things. Aside from all the things that went on with me and Ramell, Mia and I have been taking everything day by day. She has been calling to check up on me more frequently and just being there for me when I needed her to be. I really loved my Bestfriend and I knew she took our relationship to the heart and really genuinely care about it. She is the true definition on how friends go through certain things and bounce right back. After I got of the phone with Mell, I called me Bestfriend to see what she was up too. "Wassup baby." She answered on the first rings. "Nothing hunny, what are you doing." I said. "Nothing at the mall." She said. "Oh, and you didn't invite me." I said in a playful attitude. "No." She said lowly. "Who you with Mia." I said as this uncomfortable feeling came over me. "Destiny." She said I a guilty tone. "Oh, so you with her." I said surprised. "Yes." She simply stated. "Well imma let y'all bff's have fun." I sarcastically said. "Mei don't do that now." She said whining. "Bye Mia Patterson." I said and hung up the phone. I rolled over on my side and began to listen to my music and rock myself to sleep. Everyone pissed me off and I just wanted to be alone. I soon after dose off and thought about all the shit that just took place on the phone. Things had truly change and I didn't like it. Something had to be done and done quick.

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