Chapter 1

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I was always a hopeless romantic, a lonely lost cause. I cared for no one, but myself. It took me the longest time to realize, it was not all about me. It was about him, how he changed every aspect of me, in the best way anyone every possibly could. It's a crazy story, really. Let me start from the beginning, so you can fully understand how this love came to be.

It was a rainy day, in the beginning of Spring. I went to Salem High School, with a few of my best friends, Kayla, Ali, and Nikita. Any other day, I would be psyched to go to school...But this day was different. You see, the school had just finished a fundraiser, and apparently we raised just enough money. So, the school decided to reward us, by giving us something in return. They hired One Direction to put on a small show for us. 

I tried so hard to convince my mother that I was sick, but no matter what, she refused to let me stay home. So, I just gave up, and went to school. I had a fake smile on my face, and the messiest hair that anyone has ever seen. Of course, I did not really care, because at this point, I had no one left in Salem to impress. 

I was in homeroom until around 9:10a.m. when they announced for all 9th Grade to report to the auditorium. I took a deep breathe, and prepared for the worst. I walked down the steps, and met up with Kayla.

"Hey, aren't you excited?!" Kayla said, with the biggest grin on her face.

I sighed and said, "No, I hate them, they are horrible singers, horrible dancers, and horrible people."

Kayla just froze, she was speechless. I basically had to drag her to a seat. When we both finally sat, she said, "Well, you're right about the dancing, I'll give you that." 

I just laughed, and waited for the torture to start. And, right on time, they walked out. I'm pretty sure, I was the only girl in the school that didn't care who they were at that moment. I listened to their performance, which was actually quite good, but for some reason, I just hated them. When the show ended, I got up, and rushed to the door.

I went out the side door, because it was the quickest way for me to make my escape. I was walking so fast, that I didn't watch where I was going. And, without another thought, I sped up. Well, it's right around that point when I ran right into Harry Styles. We both fell to the ground imediately.

"Oh.. I... Uh... I'm sorry," I said, apologetically.

"It's alright," He replied, as he stood up. 

He held out his hand for me to grab, so he could help me up. I swear, I never blushed so much in my whole life! 

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Tiffany," I responded, shyly. "But, I already know your name."

"It seems like everyone does," said Harry.

There were about two thoughts going through my head at this point, such as, wow, I'm talking to Harry Styles! Then, the other one was, he's very charming.

"I feel really bad for running into you," I muttered.

"Don't you worry about that, beautiful," He spoke softly.

I'm not sure exactly what it was, but something about him made my face turn bright red like a tomato. He was just so alluring, everything about him seemed so temping, and inviting. 

"So, I was wondering... Is there any way I can see you again?" Harry asked me. As he spoke those words, my heart nearly stopped. 

"Y-y-yes," I said studdering from the anxiety. "M-my num-b-ber is--," I couldn't finish my sentence before Harry interrupted me.

"How about you just text me? My number is Five Five Five Zero One Two Five," He spoke so calmly, was he use to this sort of thing? Using his charm on innocent girls, just because he knows how easily they will fall for it? Just because he has a radiant smile, and gorgeous eyes, and curly brown hair, and... Oh, wait, where was I? Oh, yes! Just because he's a very pretty man doesn't mean I shall fall for him. No, not me. I'm better than that.

Or so I told myself, but, it was obviously a lie, because right after we said our goodbyes, I was running down the hallway screaming, trying to find Kayla. 

"KAYLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled in possibly the loudest voice anyone has every heard.

When I saw her bright red hair, I took off running, and tackled her.

"Ouch! What are you doing!" Kayla groaned, it was obvious that my body weight definitely caused her some pain.

"I just.. Met! YEAH! He gave me his number!" I said, making absolutely no sense.

"NIALL?" Kayla yelled with envy.

"No, I--," I start to say, as someone from behind me intrudes into my conversation.

"Did you say my name?" Niall said as he walks up to Kayla.

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