Chapter 4

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As I approached the glass door, I saw Niall waiting for us on the inside. Kayla then stepped in front of me. Niall held the door open for her, like a gentleman. It was somewhat surprising, because most guys don't do sweet stuff like that anymore. Me and Ali followed in behind her. I saw Kayla and Niall walk across the restraunt and sit together in a small booth.

I wasn't quite sure if she wanted us to follow, but I decided to let her have her alone time.

Me and Ali walked up to the register to order, when I heard someone call from behind me, "Tiffany?" 

I turned to see Harry smiling at me.

"Oh, hey," I said.

"Stalking me?" Harry said grinning.

"Don't flatter yourself," I said rolling my eyes. 

"You know, when someone gives you their number, it usually means they want you to text them," Harry said, pulling out his phone. 

I started blushing. "Sorry," I apologized. 

"May I help you?" said someone with an soft voice.

It was just the lady waiting to take my order.

"On second thought, I'm not hungry," I said lying. I was starving, but I could never eat in front of someone of the opposite sex, especially someone I'm attracted to.

"I'm sitting with Niall, if you want to come sit with me?" Harry offered.

"Of course I would," I said eagerly.

I went to sit at the booth with Harry, Kayla, and Niall. While Ali was still standing all awkwardly alone. I felt bad ditching her, but, I had a good excuse, right? I guess not, because when I turned to look at her, she was giving me a "Go to hell" look.

"Sorry," I mouthed to her silently.

Then she flicked me off, which I'm guessing Harry saw, because I heard a small bit of laughter. He had possibly the cutest laugh I had ever heard. 

"So, tell me about yourself, Tiffany. Are you a fan?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah, totally," I lied, again.

"Hah!" Kayla said smiling.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Nothing," Kayla said with a smirk on her face.

I felt my phone vibrate, so I pulled it out. After unlocking the screen, I saw where Kayla texted me, one simple eight letter word, "Bullshit." I sort of laughed, then went to put my phone back away.

"Wait!" Harry blurted out.

"What?" I asked.

"Text me, so I can save your number, please," Harry said sweetly.

I just smiled, and unlocked my phone again. I opened up my messages, and sent him a text saying "Hi." I know it's not really much, but, I didn't know what else I could say.

The table seemed so silent, I was wondering why Kayla hadn't really said much. I looked up, and noticed Niall pigging out on his pancakes.

"Niall, slow down, you don't have to eat that fast. I assure you, if you stop eating for a minute, your pancakes will not just get up, and walk away," Harry said, picking fun at Niall.

Niall laughed, and anyone who knows Niall knows how hard he laughs. Therefor, somehow, Niall managed to spit out his food all over Harry. And, I know it sounds horrible, but I'm pretty sure, that was the funniest moment of my life, and Kayla's too.

"Dude, you spit all over me!" Harry said, trying to wipe off the sticky syrup and pancake mixture from his jacket.

"It was definitely your fault," Kayla said, mocking him.

"I have to agree with her there," I said, still giggling from the incident.

Harry removed his Jacket, and handed it to me. "Hold this," He said.

Yes, because I totally want to hold a sticky messy jacket.

"Why do I have to hold it?" I asked.

"Because, it's sticky." Harry said.

"So? That doesn't mean you hand it to me!" I said jokingly.

"Sorry," Harry said laughing.

"Do you need to get it washed?" I asked.

"Yeah, but, I'm not going to a laundry mat, that's just weird." Harry said.

"I know, you can wash it at my house?" I offered. "I don't think my parents are home, so we could all hang out there... That is, if y'all want to?"

"Sounds fine with me. How about you, Niall?" Harry said, guarding his face, to reassure food did not get all over him again.

"Yeah, that's fine," Niall mumbled, since he still had his mouth full of food.

"Alright, I'll ask Lou to take us, that is unless any of you girls can drive?" Harry questioned us.

"Nope, I guess he will have to take us," Kayla said.

Harry pulled out his phone and sent a quick text. A few minutes later, his phone vibrated.

"Lou said he can take us," Harry announced.

"Sweet," Niall said.

"Oh, so now you decide to talk?" I said poking fun at him. "You invited my beautiful ginger over there beside you, and ignored her to make out with some pancakes?"

I then felt Kayla kick my shin, once again.

"Damn it, Kayla! That really hurts!" I yelped.

She snickered at me, "Well, then, be quiet, and you won't get kicked."

I crossed my legs, so she wouldn't be able to kick me again. 

"So, what time are we going to my house?" I asked.

"Well, I'm done eating, so, we can go anytime," said Niall.

"Lou said he can pick us up in like 10 minutes," Harry informed us.

"Okie dokie," I said. It sounded a lot cooler in my head, than it did out loud.

I looked Harry, who's eyes were focusing on my shirt. I didn't quite understand why, until I looked down. I was wearing an extremely low cut shirt without a tank top underneath. When I realized why he was looking I pulled my shirt up, and gave him a death stare.

"Sorry! I couldn't help it," Harry said winking at me.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

I looked over, and noticed Kayla and Niall just staring at each other again. 

"Are you two ever going to have a conversation?" I said.

"Ouch!" Harry yelped. 

"Sorry," Kayla said apologetically.

"Wait, what happened?" Niall said confused.

"She freakin' kicked me!" Harry said.

Then, both Niall and myself burst into laughter. 

"I'm going to guess you missed?" I said winking at Kayla.

Her face was bright pink from embarrassment. I found it quite entertaining. But, I also considered it amazing, because from the look on Harry's face, that kick must have been pretty painful. If she would have kicked me that hard, I would have been in tears, no doubt. It would have made the third time she had kicked me in my shin. I sort of felt bad for Harry though, he had to take the abuse for something I said. 

Harry's phone vibrated on the table. He picked it up.

"Lou is here," he announced. 

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