10. Birthday

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"Maya" a whisper awakens me. My eyes flutter open and lock on those of my husband. My husband. That word still sent my stomach into a flutter. Joshua Matthews was my husband. I swore I was actually still dreaming and I would awaken to find him still only my guard.

"Yes?" I ask as I reach up to thread my fingers in his hair.

"It's your birthday princess. Time to get up" he says, leaning forward to peck my lips. My birthday. I was becoming queen today.

"Can't I get crowned from my bed?" I ask wishfully making him chuckle.

"I don't think that's how it works sweetheart" he replies softly.

"Are you nervous?" I ask him curiously.

"About what?" he asks confusedly.

"Becoming crowned king of Nautica? You do realize we're a packaged deal now don't you?" I ask, running my finger over his wedding band.

"I wouldn't want it any other way princess" he replies sweetly, leaning in for another kiss. "But you still need to get up. Sophie is on standby."

"Her last day as a maid" I whisper making a smile pull at Josh's lips. Sophie would officially become a lady when I took the throne. I was in for a particularly busy first evening as queen.

"Even so, you need to get ready. Your parents already hate me, us lying in bed all day isn't going to make them like me more."

"I do not know about that" I reply. "More time in this bed means more potential conceptions of heirs" I remind him as I snuggle closer to him.

"Trust me sweetheart. We'll have plenty of opportunities for that" he whispers, kissing me deeply. A loud, incessant knocking pulls us apart. I wrap the blankets around myself as Josh lies beside me.

"Come in" I shout. My step-father walks in and a blush rises on my cheeks in embarrassment. "Good morning" I smile politely.

"I'm glad to see you're awake. You need to be in the salon in five minutes so you can have your hair done. Be there or I will send the guard in to drag you there" he snips. "Hello Joshua" he adds before leaving the room.

"He will forever hate me" Josh sighs.

"Too bad" I reply happily as I climb out of bed. "Because I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart" he smiles. "Have a lovely time. I'll see you at the coronation" he says as he gets up and kisses my cheek. I watch him leave the room and my heart flutters. My husband.

~ 👑 ~

"You are quite fidgety" Josh points out as he stands beside me while we wait for the cameras to begin rolling. It was time for my coronation and I was losing it. I spot Lucas standing off to the side with his arm wrapped around Riley and August and Will are both standing together looking beyond bored with the entire situation. It made me chuckle. "What is so funny?"

"Aug and Wills" I smile, motioning to them. "Do you think that is how our children will be?"

"Probably. This stuff is boring."

"I suppose" I shrug. The cameras begin to roll and it all happens so fast. I'm asked to step forward, I kneel, I'm asked to repeat some words and my mother places her crown upon my head. I smile up at her as my new royal status is announced.

I was queen.

From there it's very quickly wrapped up and we're dismissed to the coronation ball that was being held in the lower ballroom downstairs. "I have a surprise for you" Josh whispers as he takes my hand. I eye him suspiciously but allow him to pull me away. He leads me to the garden and I stifle the smile that's fighting its way to my lips.

"Josh what are we doing?" I ask curiously as he pulls me to our bench.

"Take a seat sweetheart" he says lovingly. I do as he asks while he waltzes back inside briefly. He returns with something behind his back and a large grin pulling at his lips. "Happy birthday sweetheart" he says as he holds a cupcake out in front of me. My mouth drops open and tears fill my eyes. After my father passed away we never celebrated my birthday. My mom didn't want to put in the effort. Tears stream down my face and his eyebrows furrow. "Oh no" he exclaims. "Do you loathe it? I'm so sorry sweetheart. I remember you complaining to Riley because your birthday was never celebrated so I just thoug-." I cut him off with a kiss.

"I heard somewhere that stops panic attacks" I smirk making him chuckle. "Josh I love it" I assure him, caressing his cheek. "It is the sweetest gesture that has ever been bestowed upon me."

"Oh" he blushes making me giggle. He holds it out to me and I smile as I break it in half and hand him one.

"To us" I smile as I hold up my half. "King and queen."

"To us" he confirms as we both take a bite.

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