Chapter 8

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So...I haven't been here forever and I'm super sorry:) but here's the next chapter!


"Oh. Um, I have to go." I quietly get up from the table as my father tries to stop me. I mean I can't believe it! How can I have a brother and not know about it?! Surely my father would have told me that I have a half-brother right? Guess not.

"Shea please don't go?" My father begs. That does it.

"NO! You were the one that refused to tell me that I have a half brother. Do you know how long I wanted a sister or a brother? And now I know that I have one and you didn't have the balls to tell me it in the first place." And on that note I stormed out.

 With the thought of Jeremy being my brother still shocking the heck out of me I stormed out into the parking lot to my truck that my parents just bought me. I grab a blanket from the back and climb into the bed. Its nice out here and you can see all the stars. I don’t know how long I sit, but I enjoy the sounds of the city compared to my small hometown.

“You shouldn’t have stormed out like that” a voice from the side of the truck calls. Go figure, it's Jeremy.

“Yea,” I reply, “Well maybe someone should have told me I had a brother before I found out like that in a restaurant.”

“Can I come in?” Jeremy asks. He sounds so innocent that there is no way I can say no. And I want to know more about this “brother” of mine. So I just nod my head yes and he climbs up and lays down next to me. I turn my head to him and he’s just staring at the stars. I have a better view of him now, his eyes had turned hazel since I last saw him which shocked me a little. There is a tattoo on his arm but I can’t really see what it is. I’m tempted to ask him what it is  but I’m too embarrassed. “Are you always staring at people like this? It’s a little creepy, I have to admit.”

“Sorry,” I flubbed, “I’m still trying to get over the shock of everything I guess.” God I must sound so stupid. What a first impression.

“It’s understandable I guess. I really didn’t know I had a sister until about a week ago when dad called me”

"Ok let's get one thing cleared up. I'm not exactly your sister, I'm your half-sister. There's a difference." I know I sound bitchy but I really don't care at this point.

"Hey, hey I'm not trying to get at you or anything chica"

"You speak Spanish too? Great." I roll my eyes as he gets that stupid grin on his face.

"Si but I mostly speak English like you. Besides where did you come from? You're obviously not from around here."

"Yea well that's none of your business now is it? Besides what am I supposed to call you?" Jeremy looks at me for a moment and back at the sky before he responds.

"You can call me whatever you want, as long as you knock off that ego of yours" Ok I admit, I have been a little unfair to the guy. Hey this is news to him too so why should I act like the little kid?

"Yes mother" I can't resist, I start cracking up. I laugh so hard until my sides hurt and he's laughing just as hard. Maybe this will work out in the end.


We all go back to the house and just catch up on each other's lives. Well at least I'm the one asking the questions in this. I ask him questions about everything and half of them are really just pointless but it keeps the awkwardness away.

"Shea, why won't you tell me anything about yourself?" He finally asks.

"There's not much to say. My father brought me here and I didn't want to leave in the first place. End of story." This was kinda true. I mean he did bring me here but there is so much more that I want to talk about, just not to him.

"Well what about a boyfriend? Surely you must have one, as pretty as you are."

"Aww you're so sweet. But nope, still single." I don't know what to think about Paul. He says he loves me, but I honestly don't know how I feel about this. I have always thought of him as a friend, a brother even, but never as a boyfriend. Maybe if I would have paid attention we could have had a relationship or something but I was ignorant. Why must I always do things like this? I probably hurt Paul so much.

"Hello? Earth to Shea? You're thinking about a guy aren't you?" Again what's with him and that stupid grin? I don't want him to know about Paul. Not right now at least.

"Am not!" And just like a little child, I stick my tongue out at him. I glance at the clock and notice it's already 11:30 "Besides it's getting late and I'm still on my own time so I'm going to bed."

"Fine, but when you decide to come have some fun, some of my buddies and I are going out to the desert and having a bonfire."

"Whatever. Bye Jer-Jer" I decide to mess with his name a bit until I find one that bugs him. He just stares at me and shakes his head as he walks out the door. I feel accomplished! Now I have something that bugs him. Day 1 of my new life is done.


should i continue or call it quits?

My best Friend loves me? Since when have I gotten so dumb?Where stories live. Discover now