My best friend loves me? Since when have I gotten so dumb? Chap. 6

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Chapter VI


She left to go to her new life today. It hurts to think that she just might be happier over there but I rather she be happy and away than miserable and stuck here. She didn't even come to say good-bye. I guess I deserve it though. Deep down I knew that she wouldn't let me see her so I gave her something to remember me by. I gave it to Emily because she was Shea's best friend and they must have had a chance to talk. I told her to slip it into Shea's bag without her noticing it was there. Please let her at least find it before she reaches Arizona.

That night I am so furious with myself for letting her go without another word. I broke her CD. She broke my heart so I broke the last thing that I have of hers. That night I when I was in my room I stared at the broken memory thinking how hurt I seemed to be. I have to forget about her. I thought. She left without saying a word and she doesn't seem to care about me anymore. She will have moved on so I will too.

Monday was hard at school. News went by saying Shea was in the hospital and that she moved away. They didn't know the whole story. When I get there I see the guys hanging by the front steps so I go to join them.

"Hey Paul did ya hear about your girlfriend?" my buddy from football, Dan asked.

"That I broke up with her?" I ask sarcastically.

"Naw man that Shea girl." He grins as he says it. I grab him by the shirt and hoist him up on the wall.

"Take that back." I yell angrily, "Do it. She is not my girlfriend. And ignore all the dumb rumors to why she left."

"Ok man I take it back." Dan holds his hands up in surrender. "But why did she leave. Will you at least tell me that?" I have to tell him soon but thankfully the bell rings telling us to get our butts in class.

"Later man. See you after school." I yell as I jog up the steps to go to homeroom.

I never knew how boring school could be when the person you love isn't there anymore. Man I need to stop thinking like that. She doesn't like me. I am so glad when lunch comes around.

I sit with all my football buddies at the jock table. I don't feel like I am really there. I stare at nothing. My eyes roam around to where she might have sat today. Shea never stayed at one table. It seemed like she was friends with everyone in the school except the cheerleaders. One day she would be with the nerds and the next day she would be sitting with the softball girls. The day after that she would sit with some of the preps. She fit nowhere and everywhere. I see Emily standing at the doorway looking confused. I get up to go see if she is ok. I hear the guys calling me but I ignore them.

"Hey" I say

"Hello Paul." Emily replies

"Did she get it?" Emily looks at me like I am insane, "You know the book." I say hesitantly.

"Yea she got it. I almost didn't give it to her because I didn't want her to hurt anymore." Ouch that hurt. "But I did it so she would remember her friend." With that she walked away.

After school I have football practice and coach is on our case about beating our number one team. He's drilling into our head all about team work and not getting distracted with petty things. I must be a walking contradiction. While he is telling us all of this I am distracted over a petty thing. My mind isn't with it and I end up being tackled twice today. My body aches but not as much as what could happen.


I'm in my room trying to do my homework. I just can't concentrate as my mind drifts to her. It's funny that I actually am doing my homework. Shea would always get on my case about doing your homework before you go out. It may be easy for her but not for a serious football player like me. While she has 3 honors classes, including Latin, and all A's, I have no advanced classes and I am getting close to kicked off the team because I can't get my science grade up. I don't know what I am going to do about it now. Shea was my tutor, great now I have to find some other person. I finally give up and go to the mall and see if I can find a distraction. Any kind of distraction, it doesn't matter.

When I get there I see many girls staring at me. I can understand them watching me with my muscles. Right now they are probably wondering how many abbs I have. Six? Maybe eight? I smile and shake my head and just keep walking. I stop in front of Hollister and decide to go in.

Why does Hollister insist on dimming the lights all the time? Hello this is not a maze! I head over to the guys area and pick out a few more shirts. I'm not the picky type as long as it looks good on me and the ladies have a nice view.

Next I head to the food court and get some panda express. As I head to my table I see a pretty little thing sitting in a corner all by herself. It looks like she could use some company so I walk over to her.

"Now what's a pretty girl like you doing in a corner all by herself?" I sweetly ask.

"Now what is a jock like you doing over here by a science nerd who looks nothing like the man thinks?" She retaliated. Ouch I didn't even get any eye contact.

"And that m'lady is where you're wrong," I return as I sit across from her, "I knew someone who thought she was the ugliest thing in the world but in fact one of the prettiest girls I knew."

"Impressive I might add. So where is your little toy at? Hmm?"

"Dead" is all I say. It may not be true but she is to me.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." There was pity in her voice and I despised it when people felt pity for me. It makes people weak.

"It's ok I'm over it. My name is Paul by the way." I hold my hand out hoping she will take it.

"Hi I'm Catherine but you can call me Katie." She replies sweetly as she grasps my hand.

"You seem really sweet Katie would you mind if I took you out to dinner to get to know you better?" I ask hoping again that she will accept my offer. She looks at me as if debating whether or not she will take my offer. She starts to write on a piece of paper.

"Sure. Here is my address. Pick me up at 6?" With that she hands me the paper and leaves the cafe. 


hope you like it. thats all for a bit. sorry

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