The Huntsman Becomes the Hunted

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Eric sat there quietly in the car. It had been weeks, and not once on any hunt had he had any trouble on finding his target. He had faced demons, vampires, zombies, and hell even ghosts. He had been hunting a werewolf for a few weeks, and it wasn't like this was his first werewolf he had hunted. This one was a lot smarter than any other he had faced before, for some reason every time he thought he was close to finding it, it seemed that it had slipped by him. 

He sighed as he decided it was time to get out of his car and get started on this hunt. Tonight was the fullmoon, if he couldn't find it tonight then he wouldn't find it ever it seemed.  He went to the back of his car and opened the trunk and lifted the false bottom. He had a kit already together for his werewolf, he checked to see if his silver bullets were all still neatly lined in the box. Now wouldn't be a good time for his OCD to act up. He quickly put his glock into his holster and grabbed the shot gun he had prepared earlier that morning.

He threw it over it shoulder and grabbed his machete. He started off on his trek throught the woods and sighed as he hoped to find the trail it liked to hunt on in the dark.  He walked a way before he saw what looked like could be tracks, he bent down to look closer and saw that they were definitely to big to belong to a wolf. He smiled slightly and he knew he was on the right trail.

He followed the trail for several minutes before he started to notice that the path seemed to look familiar. He followed for a few more moments before he came to a clearing and felt nothing but dread. In this clearing was his car, and when the trail ended was a spot that you could see the car in perfect view,  but from the car you wouldn't see this spot. And a few feet away was where he entered, and he looked to see that the trail left by the creature led straight for where he entered the forest. He walked that way only to see that the trail follows where he went. Only when he realized this did he notice the small feeling of being watched.

The creature had followed him the entire time, stalking him. He whipped his shotgun off of his shoulder and turned to look behind him, only to not see anything. He looked frantically side to side hoping to catch a glimpse of his stalker. After several minutes of him looking around in silence did he think he was safe. He followed his own path backwards towards where his car was hoping he would be able to find his follower. When he had made it back to his car he still hadn't found his creature.  As he made it back to the clearing where he had parked he saw that something had smashed his car. He looked around scared thinking that the creature was there. He couldn't see anything. now the was really terrified. The werewolf was smart it knew that that was his only escape.

He heard a small rustle from the bushes behind him. He pointed his shotgun in that direction. He walked steadily towards the bush ready to shoot if necessary.  When he was at the bush a little bunny popped out of the bush. He felt really worried then. Where was it? He started to flip side to side again, terrified he decided to bolt for his car.  Even smashed he thought it could provide some protection.

He hopped into the drivers side and slammed the door. He sighed quietly and felt some safety.  A hunt had never gone this bad for him before. He went to start his car only to notice the keys missing. "What kind of werewolf..." he started before he heard a growl from behind him. He looked in his rearview mirror only to see a pair of yellow eyes pop up from the seat. He stared into the eyes of a lycon, not a werewolf. He knew that at that moment he was screwed, he didn't think lycon, but it made sense now. They were harder to find due to the fact they can keep their human brains during their full moon cycles. They also had somewhat human like front paws. The last thing he had heard was his own cry of fear when it attacked.

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