🎀Kaito x Ouma x Reader -- Body-Switching Shenanigans🎀

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Hey there, everyone! This was a request from @MetaGiga. I thought that the idea they had sounded pretty interesting, so I decided to write it!! Thanks for the request!
Also, if you get confused, when I say Ouma with quote marks around it, it means Kaito as Ouma, and when I say Kaito with quote marks around it, it means Ouma as Kaito. )

Ouma's POV:
Today is pretty boring, well, just like every other day.
I don't know what I should do, there's not many cool people to hang out with at this Academy...
I decide to just walk around until I find someone, and then I'll talk to that person, I guess...
After a few minutes, I can see Iruma talking with Kaito and (Y/N).
That dumbass Kaito had his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder, too...
I walk up to them, waving.
"Hey, what are you three doing~?"
I ask them.
"Oi, Ouma, I didn't see ya there, ya little bastard!"
Iruma said to me.
I pouted and crossed my arms. What did I even do to deserve to be called that?!
"Iruma, you're so meeeean!!"
I cried out, causing Iruma to laugh.
"I know I am, but that's just how it is!!"
She replied, putting her hands on her hips and looking down at me.
"Whatever, you hoe! Now, can you answer the question?"
I retorted.
Iruma snickered and began walking past me.
"I was just workin' on a new invention."
She said as she looked back for a second, smiling.
Her smile looked almost... Evil...
She then continued walking, and Kaito chased after her. (Y/N) said that s/he didn't have time for this, so s/he just walked back to his/her room.
Awww... I wanted to hang out with (Y/N) more...
I decided I might as well follow Kaito and see what Iruma was really up to, so I did just that.

Iruma's POV:
I walked all the way to my room with those two weirdos following me.
They even wanted to come in my room, which I finally had to give in and let them.
"So, what's this grand new invention you were talking about before?"
Ouma asked me skeptically.
"Shut up, you brat!"
I said while rolling my eyes.
"It's right... Here...!"
I exclaimed as I pulled a white sheet off of my new machine.
It has the power to swap the bodies of two people~
But I decided not to tell Kaito and Ouma that, because I could have some fun with this~
"Damn, that's cool! What does it do??"
Kaito asked, looking at the machine.
I chuckled a bit and looked directly at him.
"Why don't you find out~? Both of you have to step on the yellow area, see?"
I pointed to the yellow area so that those two idiots would understand.
"No way in hell am I stepping on that! I have no clue what it even does!"
Ouma exclaimed, but it was too late, because Kaito was already pulling Ouma by the arm to my invention.
I laughed internally at Kaito's stupidity.
But I didn't think that Ouma would even be smart enough to think twice.
Kaito was already standing on the yellow area, and now, Ouma was too.
I pressed a red button and waited a few seconds until I could hear the machine making noises, so it was presumably working.
After about a minute or so, it stopped.
"You can step off now, guys! And do you feel any different~?"
I asked with a hint of evil in the last part.
"Uh, yes! I feel, like, super short! What the hell did this do to me??!!"
"Ouma" said. It was really Kaito in Ouma's body.
"Yeah! And I'm way taller!"
"Kaito" exclaimed.
"Did this switch our heights or something??!!"
"Ouma" asked.
"Nope! Just look in the mirror, and then you'll see what happened~!"
I explained as both Kaito and Ouma ran out of my room and in to the boy's restroom.
I then heard two ear piercing screams.
Not long after, they both came back into my room, very distraught.
"Can you please fix usssssss?!"
"Kaito" said loudly.
"Nope, not for another hour or so, sorry! I have to go do maintenance on Kiibo, or he'll, like... Die or somethin'...?"
I informed them with a shrug.
"Let him die! He's gonna be dead anyway when I'm finished with him!"
"Kaito" once again yelled.
It was quite hilarious to see Ouma acting so childish in Kaito's body.
I was officially entertained.
"I'm so sorry, guys, but I haffta do this!"
I said, with a fake sad look, as I waved and walked out of my room, leaving Ouma and Kaito without any of my help. Which I know they'll need...

Kaito's POV:
What the hell??!!
I can't believe she got me trapped in this tiny body...
Damn, this sucks...
I'm so short now...
How can we even switch back?!
Am I gonna be stuck like this forever??!!

Ouma's POV:
I can tell that Kaito is thinking a lot...
Well, so am I.
It's nice to be this tall for a change, but ew, this body is disgusting.
Then I think of an amazing thing I can do!
It's quite obvious that Kaito has been getting close with (Y/N) lately...
Maybe I can, y'know, sabotage him a little~

Kaito's POV:
Well, I've come to no further conclusions than that being stuck in this body sucks.
But, I did get an idea...
Since Ouma has been messing around with (Y/N) recently, I can use his body to embarrass him so that (Y/N) will be mine!!

Narrator's POV:
(Y/N) decided that maybe s/he'd go see what Iruma was doing after all.
S/he walked down the halls to where Iruma's room was, but she was nowhere in sight.
However, both "Kaito" and "Ouma" were just now walking out of the room, and they looked as if they were bickering about something.
"No way! S/he likes me better!"
"Kaito" exclaimed.
"Heh, as if, you fuckin' little dumbass!"
"Ouma" retorted.
Kaito had already seemed to forget that he was in Ouma's body...
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the meaning of this?"
(Y/N) said as s/he approached the two males.
"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just being a stupid, waste of an astronaut as usual."
"Kaito" said.
"Why would you call yourself that...?"
(Y/N) asked, clearly concerned at "Kaito's" self-esteem.
Little did s/he know about the whole body-switching fiasco.
"What do you mean? Could you please explain to little stupid old me what you meant by that?"
"Kaito" said as he began to dance around like a complete idiot.
"Something's not right here, I'm getting Shuuchi..."
(Y/N) said as s/he turned to leave.
"Yeah! Get outta here, you ugly bitch!"
"Ouma" yelled as he undid his bandanna and threw at (Y/N).
S/he turned around threw the bandanna right back at "Ouma."
"What the hell is going on with to two!?!?"
(Y/N) demanded as s/he looked at the two others.
"Nothing at all! And I thought you were leaving to go get your bitch, Saihara?"
"Kaito" said as he attempted to spit at (Y/N).
(Y/N) went up to them and kicked them both in the nuts. Hard.
S/he then stormed away, clearly angered, but "Kaito" ran after her/him.
"No!! (Y/N)!! Wait!! I wasn't done insulting you!!"
"Kaito" said as he grabbed onto (Y/N)'s hair, pulling it.
(Y/N) turned around and smacked him in the face.
"Seriously!! What are you two fucking doing!?!? Why are you doing this!!??"
(Y/N) asked, a tear dropped from her/his eye.
"Ouma" was now next to "Kaito." They looked at each other with a nod, making it look like they were going to admit what happened.
Then, "Ouma" jumped up into Kaito's arms and started making out with him.
"Kaito" was quick to push him off.
"Her/Him, you dumbass! You were suppose to kiss her/him!!"
He said as he pointed at (Y/N).
"Oh, right... My mistake."
"Ouma" explained with a laugh as he gave (Y/N) a quick kiss on the lips.
"Kaito" did the same, and their actions caused (Y/N) to blush a little.
(Y/N) muttered, still oblivious to what was going on.
"Hey, (Y/N.)"
"Kaito" said as he looked (Y/N) in the eyes.
"What is it...?"
(Y/N) said, sounding a bit annoyed.
"Well... We... We kinda switched bodies because of Iruma and we both have crushes on you and we wanted to sabotage the other and we-"
"Kaito" tried to finish, but he was cut off by (Y/N) kissing him again.
"Kaito" blushed and sighed.
"So, are we good? We're never gonna mention this again...?"
"Ouma" asked with a smile.
"Oh, I'm gonna kick your asses. I'm gonna kick your asses so hard that everyone you love will be dead by the time you're able to walk again...!"
(Y/N) said.
Of course s/he was only joking around... Right...?
S/he chased the boys all around the halls for the rest of the day, and for once, s/he seemed to be having genuine fun.

Well, how did you guys like that~?
I hope everyone enjoyed, and stay tuned for the next story, and leave a request if you want!!
~ Author-chan ❀

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