🎀Korekiyo Shinguuji x Shy!Reader -- Droplets of Love🎀

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//partly based on a true experience I had today ;w;
Requested by - @cherryb1325!!
As always, enjoooooy!

(Y/N)'s POV:
It was a long day at school, not to mention, boring, like always.
Finally, the bell rang and all hell broke loose.
Everyone had about enough of that school for the day, so everyone rushed out of the classroom, nearly toppling each other over.
I rushed down the stairs as fast as humanly possible.
I ran into (quite literally) my best friend, Tsumugi, once I reached the outer hallways.
Tsumugi turned around to face me, and she grabbed my hand.
We were in high school, she really shouldn't be doing this anymore...
I pulled away almost immediately, causing her to scowl at me and shake her head.
"Y'know, (Y/N)... I'll just go wait for Seiko..."
I sighed and wished her goodbye.
As I was nearing the school's exit,  I thought about my friendship with Tsumugi: since 7th grade, we'd always shared the same interests, but recently, we'd grown apart.
Maybe it's because I actually would like a boyfriend.
Or maybe it's because I'm so shy and she's so loud.
I don't know...
So, as I finally escape the school, I hold my backpack straps tightly in my hands.
It's raining, of course...
And, I'm expected to walk home.
Just lovely...
I make my way down the sidewalk, noticing how strange it feels...
Someone appears to be following me...
It's a male quite taller than me, and he's wearing a mask over his mouth.
Is he gonna kill me?
I think to myself.
Hey, I need to be cautious.
Maybe he's not even following me!
It is a possibility that he's not following me, and he's just going the same way.
But the deal is now sealed.
With every turn I make, he's there!
Finally I turn around and stop.
"H-Hey, what's your p-problem?!"
I say in a slightly loud voice.
I don't want to come off as rude.
"Oh, nothing. I was just observing your ravishing beauty."
He stated calmly as he handed me his umbrella.
"H-How flattering."
I said, partly sarcastically.
The male nodded and now walked side by side to me.
I simply asked as I clutched through umbrella tightly.
"You can call me Korekiyo."
He stated with the same simplicity.
Damn, talking to this guy is awkward.
As we cross the next street, I step in an unavoidable puddle, drenching my knees down.
I shout.
"My house is so faaaaar!"
I continue, probably sounding whiny.
Korekiyo laughs and links his arm in mine.
"Come home with me, it's closer."
I say with a bit of hesitance, as I know my family will likely not be OK with me going to a random person's house.
Korekiyo holds me tighter as he goes to what is presumably his house.
I expect the worst, but really, I'm greeted with the most wonderful hospitality.
"Want me to make you some ramen to warm up?"
Korekiyo asked warmly.
"Y-Yes please!"
I say as I smile as sit down on the sofa.
I study my history book when Korekiyo comes in with a bowl of streaming ramen.
I set it down in my lap and continue to study while eating.
Korekiyo goes behind the couch to observe my reading.
I blush a little knowing he's there.
Finally, I close my book and continue sitting.
Korekiyo now sits next to me and turns the TV on.
I'm shaking a little from the weird feeling of love in me.
Suddenly, I grab Korekiyo's hand.
I know!!
Even I didn't think I could have the courage to do that!!
Korekiyo, though I can't tell, may be smiling under his mask.
He makes painfully long eye contact with me, and pulls me so that my head rests in his lap.
"This was so simple, yet very fun."
Korekiyo announces.
"Y-Yeah...! And... Y-You should come sit with me and Tsumugi at lunch tomorrow... Only if you w-want to, I mean...!"
I add quickly as my body trembles from both warmth and coldness.
Korekiyo makes a noise as if to say, yes, and looks down at me.
"Oh, by the way, I really like you."
He says.
Wow, that was random, and cheesy...
M-Me too."
I reply.
I can't believe I said that...
Korekiyo then laughed, and we just sat there, laughing like idiots for God knows how long...!

//that kinda sucked,,,
But ahhh there it was :3

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