🎀Kiibo x Iruma!! -- You're Safe With Me🎀

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Hey everyone! :3
I decided to write another Kiibo x Iruma story because, well, it's my otp and I just... I love them so much together, they're so cute and perfect~
Also, I'll get to those requests, I'm working on two of them, and I they'll be up soon!
Again, I'm so sorry that I haven't posted any requests yet, but I promise I will get to them soon!!
Enjoy the story, everyone!! ✨
And I know it seems a bit rushed (no lie, it was)
I don't like writing on low muse but I felt like I needed to put another actual oneshot in here... ;w;
But again, I still hope you all like it!!

All morning, Iruma had been wandering the halls. She wanted to go into Kiibo's room, but she didn't have the courage to do it, so she would just walk around aimlessly, it seemed.

She was finally going to tell him something she needed to tell him. She had even been fantasizing about him as she paced the halls.

A few hours later, she finally mustered up enough strength to knock on Kiibo's door.

Once he answered, Iruma was surprised. She didn't think he would answer.

"Hey, Kiibo~ What's up? Well, never mind. I'd just... Well, can 'ya please meet me in my room at like, 10 PM, maybe...?"

Iruma asked, having no clue about how awkward and even suspicious she sounded.

Kiibo did trust her, though, of course, so he agreed.

As he shut his door, Iruma pumped her fist once and went back to her room. It was only 8 PM, so she had some waiting to do.

She sat down on her bed and just stared at the wall, she was excited, and she couldn't wait two more hours...!

Soon enough, she had fallen asleep somehow, and she didn't wake up until she heard the sound of something at her door.

It was obviously Kiibo because of the way his metal hand sounded against the door.

Iruma almost tripped over herself as she got up and quickly answered the door, a smile on her face.

"So, what is it that you wanted me to come here for...?"

Kiibo asked as he looked down at the floor.

He didn't think Iruma was going to like, kill him or anything like that, but of course a bit of doubt had risen in him.

Iruma decided he'd just tell him bluntly... Well, once he got inside, that is.

So Iruma pulled Kiibo's arm, without answering his question, and brought him into her room.

She led him to her bed, and told him to sit down, and he complied with her request.

Iruma soon sat next to him.

While, on him, that is.

Without warning, she sat down in his lap, so her face was facing his.

Kiibo looked quite flustered and embarrassed, but he didn't really try to get Iruma off of him.

Iruma just took a look into Kiibo's eyes, and she instantly just teared up.

Kiibo looked quite concerned at this point, he had no clue what to do.

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