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David, Elsa, and Henry came home soon and they found out the ice cream lady was the person who hurt Marian. Emma said that she seemed familiar like she had heard her before or known her but they didn't understand what she meant. Supposedly the snow queen also took some memories from Elsa so everyone was pretty confused.

A little later Emma had come home and went upstairs. Maya looked from her bed to see her. She had a smile on her face. "What's going on?" Maya asked looking to her sister.

"Oh nothing." She lied as Maya looked to her.

"Em." Maya said with a serious voice. They weren't good at lying to each other.

Henry looked to Emma as well. "Well..." she said looking from Henry to Maya. "Hook and I kissed again." She said looking them.

Maya smiled bright. "So you guys like each other?" She asked her sister.

"Yeah I guess." She nodded then looked to Henry. "Are you mad?"

"That you are happy? Of course not." Henry smiled.

"So are you gonna go on a date?" Maya asked her sister.

"Well I don't know yet we just-" Emma started.

"Then it's settled." Maya smiled. "Tomorrow you are going to go to Granny's and asking him on a date."

"Okay then." Emma replied surprised.

They went to bed and the next day Henry and Maya went with Emma to Granny's so he could ask. After pushing her into Granny's the two headed to school.

Maya was finally a senior and she would be graduating soon. Every once in a while she had missed days because of the monster threats but she always caught up. She was excited to finally finish school soon. She had even been working harder to graduate early. She only had about two months left along with about 20 other people who wanted to get out as soon as possible like her.

After going to school she walked out and saw Zach. He wasn't going to school because first, he had never been and he was already eighteen so it would just be difficult. It was normal in the Enchanted forest to not be at school but he had a basic knowledge of everything.

"Hey." Maya smiled to him as he grabbed her hand and kissed her.

"So what's your plans today?" He asked looking to her.

"Well I have some homework to do and then I'll probably help mom with Neal." She answered looking to him as they walked hand in hand.

"Okay." He nodded. "What about the snow queen?" He asked looking to her.

"They said there hasn't been any trace of her so I think she's laying low for now. We've just been helping Elsa lately." She said looking to him.

"Alright." He nodded. They talked about the snow queen and Elsa. Maya also mentioned how Emma was going on a date.

"You know, we haven't been on an official date since this new curse broke." He said looking to her.

"No we haven't." Maya said realizing it.

"How about tonight then. I'll pick you up and take you out." He smiled to her.

"Where?" Maya asked.

"It's a surprise." He smiled to her. "I should probably get back to the camp. I'll see you later." He smiled as they got to the loft.

CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 4]Where stories live. Discover now