•The Future•

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A few days had gone by. Maya had already started learning the ways of a sheriff. Doing this also included lots and lots of paperwork. Emma claimed that since she was the newbie she had to do the most work.

Maya also had been spending even more time with Zachariah. They had hung out at the loft, at granny's, and on the beach.

Maya was boringly working on filing paper when she saw Zach walk in. She peeked up slightly when she saw him and he knocked on the door. "More papers? Where do they even come from?" Zach asked as he walked over to her and kissed her lightly. Emma and David were both out doing their own thing.

"I have magic and I still don't know why they have all of these. It's like they never did there filing. I should just be called the town organizer." Maya said as she closed another folder.

"Don't be too discouraged. I'm taking you to the beach again tonight so we can relax." He smiled lightly.

"Is that why you are visiting me?" She asked with a smile.

"That and I like seeing you." He responded.

"I like seeing you too." She answered as she went through a few more papers.

"I'll come back later and we can go get dinner and watch the sunset." He smiled to her.

"We haven't watched the sunset before." Maya smiled to him.

"It's a good time for firsts." He said as he smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Maya asked raising her brow.

"You'll have to wait and see." He chuckled lightly. "I'll see you later." He said as he kissed her cheek and headed out.

Soon after David came in. "Hey. How's it going on here?" He asked looking to her.

"Is filing really necessary? I want to go do something interesting." Maya said looking to him.

"Nothing interesting happens. We go check on random calls about loud neighbors or lost pets." He said looking to her.

"I guess I expected more then just sitting around all day." Maya said as she rested her head on her hands.

"Then maybe you should look for something that you like more." David suggested.

"Like what?" Maya asked looking to him. "Everything is taken." She answered.

David nodded. "Well I guess that's an adventure you should go on." He smiled.

"Thanks dad." Maya smiled. "You knew I would get bored didn't you?" She asked looking at him.

"Well I knew it wouldn't be everything you thought it would be. Also that there is more to you then just saving the day." He said looking to her.

Maya never thought of it that way. She liked so many other things but saving people was what had taken over. She made herself think it was her favorite thing to do.

"I'll finish these up then. I'm meeting Zach later and he said he would come her to meet me." Maya answered looking to him. "We are just going to watch the sunset if you were wondering."

"About the other day-" he started.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure it's just a dad thing." Maya answered.

"No it's not just that." He said as he sat down. "It's another thing too. I... don't want you to grow up." He sighed lightly. "I just want you to be my little girl."

"I'll always be your little girl." She smiled.

"You will but you barely were when I've been with you. I didn't get to see you grow up and because of that I'm over protective." He admitted. "And I now realize that I need to let you make your own decisions. Your growing up and wether I want you to or not, you can do whatever you want." He said looking to her. "Even if that means getting married and having a kid."

CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 4]Where stories live. Discover now