•Lily and the Witch•

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"I'll go with you." Maya said looking to Emma. "I mean I'm partial to the reason Lilith is missing so I should help." She said.

Emma found out that Lilith was her old best friend, but she went by Lily. Emma was going to go with Regina to get her as well as Roland and Robin. Zach went to go tell the Merry Men the news.

"It's fine I'll take care of it." Emma responded with little emotion. "And to be honest I don't think she's connected to you. I think it's just me this time." Emma explained.

Maya thought for a second. Emma was probably right. That would explain why the vision her mom had was only about Emma and why Gold is only really after her.

"Okay." Maya nodded. "Make sure Robin and Roland get back safe too okay?" Emma nodded as she went to Hook to say goodbye without even giving Maya a hug. Maya knew they were fighting but she was still upset.

Mary Margaret and David tried to say bye too but Emma shut them down quickly omg mentioning that they should take care of Henry. Maya looked to Hook and noticed he was just as worried about it as she was.

Emma got in the car and soon after Regina and her drove off. Maya looked at the car go and she crossed her arms lightly and looked at her shoes. She started to walk away.

"Maya where-" David started as Maya stopped and turned to him.

"To the beach." She responded looking at him. She could see it in his eyes, her mom's too. They wanted to talk and clear things up. Maya knew the look well. It was the only look she got when they first found each other, but right now, she just wanted to get away. "I'll- be back later." She sighed lightly.

She kept walking until eventually she was at the beach. She sat on her rock and played with the sand with her foot. She was worried for Emma and about Robin and Roland. All she wanted was a break, but it wasn't going to happen.

She heard someone walking from behind her and didn't look. She knew it was probably Zach so she wasn't worried.

"Maya we need to talk." She heard the voice say. She turned around to see Hook there.

"How did you know where I was?" Maya asked surprised. She definitely didn't expect to see him of all people.

"You said you'd be at the beach and walked this way. The rest was easy to figure out." He responded.

"What do you want then?" Maya asked looking back to the water.

"It's about Emma." He said walking in front of her. "I can tell you are just as worried as I. Maybe we could try and work together to make sure she doesn't go dark." He suggested.

"I can't. She won't let me." She said leaning on her hand.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"She isn't feeling. At least I can't feel her feeling." Maya explained realizing how confusing it sounded. "It feels like she has no emotion over what is happening to her right now."

"That doesn't mean we can't help." He responded looking to her.

"I've tried. She won't take it. She's too stubborn." Maya breathed angrily.

"Then we could try something else." Hook motioned lightly looking at the blonde.

"What else? She won't let me in and she won't accept my help so I won't be any use." Maya responded.

"Why are you being like that?" He asked furrowing his brow.

"Like what?" Maya asked looking up to him.

CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 4]Where stories live. Discover now