The Truth

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Victoria POV:
I'm chilling at home watching tv , drawing , when i get a call from Brianna. As y'all know , that's Honeys best friend. I haven't talked to Honey all day and i was already wondering why . Maybe she can tell me what's going on . "Hello?" I answered and i can tell she sounded a little different.

"Hey V , It's Brianna. I'm just calling to tell you that Hon is in the hospital from trynna hang herself today. Can you come down? Do i need to come get you?"

My heart instantly dropped and i sat up in my bed . "She what ?! Is she okay ?!" I get up and start putting on clothes while the phone is in between my shoulder and ear. As i'm getting dressed in practically falling all over the place while B explains everything to me.

"As me and you both know , she been going through some shit and i guess this time she really was fed up. I didn't wanna question her cause her family and all that is here to but i think if she sees you she'll feel better. She is overwhelmed right now with everyone questioning her and she needs someone right now . I'm only one person and she needs someone else she can trust . Can you come down ?"

Now look . Her family is VERY homophobic as fuck . Like they REALLY don't like that , their deep christians and they don't play allat . The only person that accepts in her family is her stepdad and it still kills her to feel alone cause she wants her mothers love and acceptance too . My poor queen.

I take a quick moment to think and then i get back on the phone . "I'll be on my way . Ill tell you when i get almost there so you can come get me from the lobby , aight ?"

"Alright , bet . I'll be waiting."

I go to my moms room . "Ma, Hon in the hospital. Can you please take me so i can see her ?"

Her and my mom get along so well and she loves Hon. As soon as i said her name she popped up. "Girl , i her my daughter in law and hospital and you don't even have to say anything else. Get the car started i'll be out in a second . Leave yo key so i can lock the door."

I obeyed and got the car ready . Not even 5 mins passed and she came out the house behind me .

As we rode to the hospital after stopping by the store to get some stuff for her i texted B and told her to come down.

My mom broke the silence , "Do you know what happened ? Is it the same thing ? Is she okay ?"

I started to cry a little silently and whipped my tears . "I really don't know." My mom took my hand and squeezed it a little.

"It's gonna be okay baby girl . She is just going through something right now."

We get to the hospital and I see Brianna waiting on me. "Hey , she in room 243. I'll show you." She been crying a little . We hugged and she led me to the room . Room 239 ... 241... Then my heart dropped . R243 . When we got to the room Brianna opened the door. I walked in and seen her whole family looking at me . My heart started racing . This is not how i wanted to meet her family and this is not how i wanted to look either . I looked terrible but it's my baby , i'd come in briefs if i could .

"Everyone? This is Victoria. Honeys girlfriend." Brianna everyone. "I know nobody accepts this , but Honey is in love with V. And all she wants is acceptance."

I look over to Honey in the bed starting to cry . I walked over to her slowly and put her flowers on the stand next to her bed . She grabs my hand and pulls me closer to her and i start shaking a little . I'm terrified. Matter fact , terrified is an understatement . Then she speaks up.

"I know nobody in here like that i'm doing this but it's me. I feel real with her. I feel like myself . I love this ; I love her . All i'm asking is for acceptance and to be able to love who i wanna love because i wanna be with her. I wanna be able to love who i love and be able to actually have a voice. I didn't want any of you to meet this way and to have to sit in a hospital with me in the bed but .. i feel this is the only way you will all finally listen to me . Something was wrong with me and nobody never cared enough to ask . Not when it comes to this relationship . You pushed me aside and i'm tired of being ignored ." She started to cry harder and i sat on the bed and whipped her tears. I gave her a node and she continues . "If you don't accept me then it's fine , but this is me," She turns towards her mother ,"and she isn't going anywhere."

Her mother got up and walked out the room without even looking back. Then her family until it was my mother , Brianna , her cousin , her stepdad and me were left in the room . She begins to cry harder and louder .

"I'm so proud of you" her step dad stated kissing her forehead and hugging her . "If she doesn't realize it , then you will always have me."

After a couple more moments of hugging her and hugging me he starts to leave out the room. He looks back and me ," Take care of her." I node my head . He walks out leaving me hugging her tightly .

"Brianna , if you want , i can stay and you can go home and get some rest. I'll watch over her."

Brianna nodes and comes over to hug her along with her cousin right behind her. "I love you" they both said one after the other . She said it back and they both left . My mom comes over and sat on the other side of the bed .

"Honey , don't let this from stopping you from loving who you wanna love . This is not the end but the beginning . I love you and you know i have your back if you need me . Ima leave V here with you so you won't be alone but if you need me call me . You know i got you . Y'all will be together to hang out and be together sooner than you think but you have to wait for that moment to come . Don't rush it , and don't hurt yourself because of it . It only ends you up here and you have to think forward , not behind . If you can't handle this then you never will . It'll be alright baby girl . You're stronger than this ." She hugs her and kisses her forehead .

"Thank you momma." She said to my mom and cuddles back with me

"Keep an eye out on her Victoria . I'm not playing with you . You know how i feel about my daughter in law."

We all laugh , "I will ma ."

She leaves leaving me and her in the room . I turn on the tv and get very thankful that i was in pjs cause tonight would've been uncomfortable.

I turn off the lights and started drifting to sleep when i get a kiss . I kiss her back and start smiling . I adjust to where she is on my chest and make sure she has enough covers over her. She looks up at me. "I love you." I look down at her , "I love you too baby" and we drifted to sleep.

I love this girl so much .

I guess she its normal for someone to go through this like her. That would be a Classic Story of a Teenage Girl.

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