Letter Two:

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Dear all the fans,

You know me for what I am.

Harry Styles. The popstar heartthrob.

This name holds many things to it: my career, my womanizing image, my questionable choices.

No one ever wants to take time to get to know me.

Harry. Just Harry.

I have sides to me that none of you even begin to realize are there. I have a dark side no one wants to get to know. I suffer from anxiety too. I've struggled with the battle of self harm.

Outside of my family and the boys, I feel as if no one understands the real me anymore. And this scares me. This makes things hard. This takes a toll on my mental health. But I can't tell you. I don't want everything to be out there. I still want somewhat of a private life, even if it's this that I have to keep to myself.

Don't worry though, I'm okay. I'm trying hard not to break again, but I can do this. I have the smiles and support of all of you to remind me why I have to keep up the happy facade. I refuse to let you all down, even if it tears me apart. That doesn't matter to me.

Making music matters. You all matter.

Life is hard some times, but you just have to keep fighting. If you fall, stand back up. Keep doing that, no matter what. Don't let the darkness within yourself win.

Now, I think I should listen to my own advice.

But that probably won't happen.

To all of you that struggle yourselves, stay safe. It isn't an easy journey. I have faith that you all can do this. You all are so, so strong.

We have this.

Again, stay safe.

All the love,

H. x

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