Letter Seven:

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To all the fans,

Don't believe everything you see, hear, or read.

If Lou and I were a couple, or were ever a couple in the first place, we would tell you that ourselves when we felt the time was right, or when we could.

Our close friends wouldn't tell.

People who don't know us would claim they do know and tell you just to get you all riled up.

There have been some recent events on Twitter that have sparked up confusion in the fandom.

Remember: Louis and I would tell you everything ourselves.

Remember: Don't believe everything.

To those of you who really know us, you know that this is true.

To those who don't really know us, trust the people who do know us.

I'm not confirming or denying anything here.

I'm not trying to start more drama.

Just believe me. Believe Louis.

Realize that we may never tell you the truth, or whatever, to keep it part of our private lives.

We are still entitled to some privacy, yeah?

I hope so.

As for another thing, you guys have also been giving our girlfriends crap.

Even if you believe they are just beards, they are still people.

I dislike seeing you all drag someone down. If they are beards, this whole thing isn't their fault. Remember that.

If they happen to be beards, they were either asked or forced to take the job, and have no say in what happens from now until the end.

Treat them with respect. Treat them like the wonderful people they are. Being a beard shouldn't make someone feel less human than they are.

But Lou is happy with El.

And I'm happy with whatever goes on in my life.

So we're happy.

Isn't that all that matters to you guys?

That we're happy, healthy, and smiling?

Thank you all for everything.

All the love,

H. x

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