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"Man, I'm so bored," I sighed, laying down beside my best friend.

"Well what the fuck am I supposed to do; turn into a table and do the hokie pokie? We just here to procrastinate Kidnapped ideas anyway" Jacob said, annoyed.

I put my hands behind my head trying to think of something we can do. I got it! "Yo Jakes, you got any kinks?"

He looked over at me in confusion. "The fuck is a kink, Crest?"

"I don't know, some shit you get turned on by?"

He sat up. "Well I'm turned on by things that normally sane people would never think of doing, Chresent Moon."

I sat up too and gave him the look he gave me earlier. "What do you mean by that?"

"Fam, have you ever been high off those Children's Claritin and thought to yourself 'How would it feel if I put 4 jumbo size eggs up my ass and laid them like a chicken?' It was the best think in the world and I don't regret a goddamn thing."

"Huh. Well I'm turned on by the thought of someone caring for me and being in a meaningful relationship."

"Oh, you fucking pansy."

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