Chapter 6-You Don't Know Me

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    We all pulled into Mr. G’s and parked. I got out and went to Benton’s car. I hopped onto his hood and smiled as the guys got out.
    “Well then little miss jumping bean…Ready to eat?” He asked me.

    I nodded, “I’m really hungry.”

    He helped me off of the hood and we walked in and ordered. We put about five tables together and sat down. “Why so many?” I asked them curiously.

    “Well,” he ran his hand through his hair. “A lot more guys are coming than just us.”

    “Is HE coming?” Benton nodded slowly.

    I got up and walked toward the door just as he walked in, “Hey Blondie!”

    I rolled my eyes and shoved him out of my way, as I left. He followed me out, “Listen here Girlie… This is MY team, this is MY sport, so stay out of my way and don’t try to take over and we won’t have an issue with each other. Got it!?”

    I had had it with him, “No! You listen to me! I haven’t done anything to you so you can go back to playing your game because I’m done with it!”

    By the time I said that, all the football team was around us. Benton looked at me, “Maddie! You can’t be serious! Don’t let him make you quit!”

    Justin put his hand across Benton’s chest and held him back, “Let her go. If she can’t take me, then she isn’t fit for this sport. No girl is anyway.”

    I glared daggers through him, but I didn’t do anything because he wasn’t worth it. I walked to my car, leaving them all there watching me. I got in my car and drove off.
    I didn’t know where I was going, but I was going somewhere…somewhere far from here.

    I finally went home after my long drive. As soon as I got home, I went to bed. The next morning I woke up very excited for practice.

    I got up and got dressed quickly. I left a note for my mom telling her that I decided to go to practice. I put it on the door and left quickly and quietly. I got into my car and drove to the school.

    I got to school and parked where I normally do, by the football field. All the guys and coaches were talking so I decided that would be the best time to interrupt.

    I got out of my car and grabbed my stuff and walked in the gate and onto the field.

    Justin looked up at me and his jaw fell open, he closed it quickly. “Well, well, well…Look who decided to show up today.”

    Everyone’s attention turned to me and I didn’t say a word. I stood beside the coaches and listened to what they were telling the team.

    “That’s what practice today is about. So, for the two people I left out. Justin and Madison…you two will run, and then work on drills. You will test and grade each other. And you will have to get use to getting along.”

    Justin had an evil grin on his face as we walked to the end zone. He tried to talk to me, but I ignored him every time. He blew the whistle and I ran to the other end zone and back. Then we switched spots and he ran. We had close to the same time, but he was a little faster.

    He bumped into me and grinned, “Again Blondie, always number 1.”

    I glared and ran as fast as I could to the other end and back. 1 minute 16 seconds. I bumped into him, “Beat that Mr. Ego.”

    He tried to beat me over and over but only got close. He walked up to me, obviously very mad. He shoved me back and I kicked his legs out from under him and he landed on the ground, with a loud thud.

    I knelt beside him, “Next time, know who you are messing with.”

    And with that, I got up and walked to the bleachers to get some water.

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