O-n-e: Where it all begins

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10 hours earlier.....

Shane's POV
I think this is the end for me, i have just drank poison which was in my drink. One antidote isn't enough to save me. It hurts to breathe every minute it gets harder and harder as my lungs get fuller and fuller with endless blood.

Arthur: three minutes! You must hurry!!

Only three minutes to live, getting harder and harder to breathe each second, in three minutes I'll be dead, unless the others quickly give me the other two antidotes. I turn my head to look at Arthur who was looking at his watch, then he noticed me looking at him and said:

Arthur: I hope you die and rot in hell!
He said as he grabbed my face while saying that but there was more.

Arthur: they think their giving you antidotes, ha! Their just giving you more poison which makes your death a whole lot more painful.
He lets go of my face, watching me suffer in pain. Deep in his eyes he was getting pleasure out of it all.

My eye start to close as my breathing gets slower and more painful each second. The last voice I hear is Joey saying 'No! No!' Soon I just let myself shut down. Pain I no longer felt.

Ultra-X's POV:
According to government and the world, we don't exist. We just got hold of a new body, which was transported from 1920 back to 2017, where they belong. We were able to identify the person. We are safely hidden away in an underground base, where no one can find us. We have an escalator that comes out of the ground in a closed off tunnel, which only a member of Ultra-X can access the elevator.

We got the person's identity: Their male, about 29 years old, height 5'11, name Shane Lee Yaw, born July 19th 1988. Cause of death: poisoned, leading to the lungs being filled with blood. They will need a lot of work, done. But luckily there is still a little life left in them, which is enough to revive him.

We have some of the most advance technology that the government and the world don't know about. And it's best it stays that way. All workers of Ultra-X and the military are sworn to secrecy, we have every worker sign a contract, promising to not to tell anybody not even their family about what they truly work for, it's just too dangerous. If the world and government find out about us, it will lead into great danger as we can't allow our most advanced technology being exposed, especially if terrorists get hold of it and try to use it to destroy with it. So it's best we keep this to ourselves, after all it's top secret.

At the medical bay.

Scientist/Doctor: The only way for him to survive is replacing his lungs with artificial robotic lungs. Thanks to our most advanced technology we were able produce these along with an artificial robotic windpipe.

Leader of Ultra-X: isn't there another way for him to survive?

Scientist/Doctor: I'm afraid there isn't, this is the only option. It's either this or nothing.

Leader of Ultra-X: then do what you need to do. Let me know when their conscious.

Scientist/Doctor: yes sir.

Scientist/Doctor's POV:
My name is Gregory Jackson, or Greg for short. I started out working for the airforce after about two years I quit the Air Force, then started studying medical science, mechanical technology and medical physics which I spent three years studying, which lead me to becoming a medical scientist for the military, then after a year I converted to working with Ultra-X where I embraced my new career as a scientific doctor, plus a developer of technology, inventing new ways for people to live without others having to give up their lives for others, I would share my most advanced technology with the world but that would be too dangerous plus others might take credit for my inventions.

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