T-h-r-e-e: Discovering Trouble

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Ryland's POV:
I have left behind the military, and converted to working with Ultra-X, where I can start my new job as an Agent. As for all agents, we all have fake identities so that we are not giving ourselves away to the world. Also not giving away Ultra-X to the world.

Today is my first full day working here plus living here also, as they provide the agents and workers with accommodations, we do have homes of our own but we only go back home on our days off or if someone quits or gets fired.

My fake identity is 'Nick Daniels' so according to the government and the world I'm Nick Daniels, who works for the military. When really I'm Ryland Adams who works for Ultra-X, but that is top secret.

My room is located on the right wall of the tunnel and is the eighth room down, it's quite cozy and not as uncomfortable as I thought. Since I'm fully trained, I'm ready.

Shane's POV:

Greg managed to repair my arm implant, the red wire has now been reconnected, securely.

Dr Greg Jackson: I have just fixed the disconnection in your arm implant, so now when your training, there shouldn't be a disconnection.
He said as the closed the artificial skin

Chris: that's great, so tomorrow Ryan we will continue. I still have so much to teach you.

Shane: right, ok.
Still getting used to being called Ryan, it doesn't feel right. Their even starting to believe the old me called Shane Yaw is dead and gone and that believing the new half Android me is Ryan Cole, and that I am now Ryan and should be called Ryan, but I want to be called Shane again, because Shane is alive.

Chris leaves, and I go back to my room, closing the door behind me. There's so much to learn here I thought. I even have to learn how to use my arm implant, as it gives me all kinds of abilities, but they haven't quite told me what they were. The good thing was that I can learn it tomorrow, after my training.

Ryland's POV:
So my first day of work went quite well, I spent most my time in the tracking room keeping an eye out for strange things. Everything was boring until, the captain comes in and says:

Leader of Ultra-X: Has anyone seen agent Lily?

Everyone remained silent, till I get a beeping on my screen.

Ryland: captain I got something.

The captain comes over to my screen and sees what I see. It was agent Lily, she seemed lost, but had some news.

Leader of Ultra-X: thank god agent Lily, your alright!

Lily: captain I have some bad news, the world is in danger. I came across a cult called 'Red Eye', they were out in the streets today, trying to get people to join their cult. Those who didn't join were killed, they were saying that everyone must join, and support them, but what they want to do to the world is completely messed up. The government are doing nothing about this.

Leader of Ultra-X: were you able to identify their location?

Lily: no.

Leader of Ultra-X: come back here quickly, and tell us more.

Lily: yes sir.

Apparently now a cult called 'Red Eye', is threatening the world. The government intends on doing nothing about it. So Ultra-X are doing something about it.

I don't care if your half Android, you still have a beating heart|#Shyland Where stories live. Discover now