T-w-o: This Is Happening

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Shane's POV:
I could barely sleep last night. It was all because a lot happened, like suddenly becoming half Android, being told to use a new name, and then realising that I can't see my friends or family again. I don't know if I can live like this, I'm all alone. No friends, no family with me, it's just me.

I wax about to go back to sleep and then I hear knocking on my door, I used the strength I had to get out of bed and open the slit in the door, seeing that it was the captain.

Leader of Ultra-X: I see you have woken up Ryan. Well then get dressed, have some breakfast and come down to the training room, where your training will begin. Don't take too long.

Shane: it's Shane, Ryan is only a disguise name.

Leader of Ultra-X: your new/fake identity has your new name and I can call you by your new/fake name if I want to. Plus according to the world and the government, Shane Yaw is dead, but Ryan Cole is alive. Now get dressed and be at the training room, by 11:00.

Shane: yes sir.

The captain leaves, as I wonder to the closet looking at all the black and grey clothes. I decided to go for an all, black look so I picked out a black v neck shirt with short sleeves, then a pair of black trousers that were sort of like leggings, but looser and didn't look like tights, they had loose ankles and looked as if I was wearing jeans, then to finish it all off I picked out a pair of black boots which had grips on the soles and laces which went just over the ankles.

I quickly changed, and then went to the dinning hall where breakfast was, it seems today that breakfast is porridge, so that is what I had along with some water. While eating I was looking around the place, everyone was happily chatting to their friends, as they join each other at the table during breakfast. Here's me, alone on this table, no friends with me what so ever, it's just me and my breakfast.

Then I see Greg, who was getting his breakfast, I looked carefully and saw that he was talking to someone, probably one of his friends. They see me, looking and then come over to my table.

Greg: hi Shane, you seem be a little lonely. How about we join you for breakfast.

Shane: I would like that.

Greg and his friend both sat down on the two chairs opposite me, the friend he had with him was a girl, who looked as if she could be 19 or 20. She had short pink hair which looked a little Emo, but pixie at the same time, she had brown eyes and a very defined Cupid's bow on her lips.

Greg: this is my girlfriend Taylor, but she prefers Lainey. Lainey Shane, Shane Lainey.

Shane: hi Lainey, it's nice to meet you.

Lainey: nice to meet you too, Greg has been telling me a lot about you, ever since you arrived here and had robotic lungs installed.

Shane: yeah, that was a crazy experience. It all happened so fast, before you know it I get told that I have to charge, and stick wires in my sides.

Greg: aren't you training today Shane, because yesterday the captain said you needed to train.

Shane: yes, I haven't forgotten, plus I have about thirty minutes till then, trying doesn't start till eleven.

Lainey looks at her watch and says to me:

Lainey: um Shane, according to my watch it's fifteen minutes to eleven, so if I were you I would finish eating and make my way down there.

Shane: man, time goes quick.

I finish my breakfast about five minutes later, saying goodbye to Greg and Lainey and making my way to the training room. It took me about a minute to figure out which way I was going, but finally I get to the training room at five to eleven. When I entered stood an rather muscular looking man, who was African and had a very short crew cut, he sees that I have come in and said:

Trainer: hi, Ryan, I see you have come just in time. I'm Chris and I am your trainer. The captain has told me a lot about you ever since you arrived here yesterday.

Shane: according to the world and government, Shane is dead. And Shane was who I was.

Chris: well according to the world and the government Ryan Cole is alive, but they have no idea what he looks like, so your safer with that name. Your Ryan Cole now. How about we begin, with some of the basics.

Can't believe this is happening.

Shane: yeah, let's do it.
I say wanting to get it over with.

Few minutes later....

I have learnt many new things, like how to punch, kick and head butt, along with some martial arts. It's mostly me learning how to fight and defend my self, but also learning to move quickly.

Chris: keep going!
Chris said, as I was punching a dummy moving as fast as I can. My arms were starting to get tired, but that didn't stop me from giving up.

Shane: I feel my arm implant, vibrating.

Chris: stop for a second, and let's have a look.

I took off the boxing gloves and saw to my arm, I carefully pushed the artificial layer of skin away, revealing the artificial muscle along with, wires and rods, then seeing a red wire had come loose, giving a loose connection. This implant was only on my lower arm, which started from the bottom of my hand and about half way to my elbow.

Shane: must have pulled it when training. Kinda felt like pulling a muscle.

Chris: it's not that bad, but it's best that Dr Jackson sees to it. And we better go to him now before it gets worse. We'll continue the training tomorrow. You still have a lot to learn Ryan.

Man it pisses me off when being called 'Ryan', my real name is Shane. Why can't they call me Shane?! Why Ryan? Hearing that name, makes me not know who I am anymore.

It's not only that I have been revived with technology, being given a new identity, fake lungs and body parts, and now being told that I have to live here and be trained to become an agent, can't believe this is happening to me! If I didn't drink at Joey's stupid party, then none of this would have ever happened.

This is already happening, there's nothing I can do to stop it.

Author's Note:
And that's the end of part two.... I'll update soon with part three.


I don't care if your half Android, you still have a beating heart|#Shyland Where stories live. Discover now