The Vistation

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Celine was in the middle of her anatomy class, when an office name disrupted class looking for a her. Looking up from her notebook, which she had previously been entristeced taking notes of the human nervous system. Celine quickly gathered her stuff, shoving note book in her book bag a long with her pencil.

She walked quietly behind the office aid, taking her to her destination that was the office. Her mind raked possibilities of who it could be that wanted to see her during her school hours. It couldn't be Paulo who was away in Barcelona a Champion league game against the one of the Spanish giants. It certainly wasn't Serena who was at work at the law firm.

There a woman stood. With a grey pencil skirt outlining the curves of her body and a black cardigan. The woman's black hair was pulled into a bun. Celine felt her heart race. She knew who this woman was. It was no other than Sofia Medina, her mother.

"Hija." The 40-year old Colombian mused at the sight of her daughter. Sofia raced to embraced her daughter in a tight hug, holding her close to her herself. Celine could smell the channel perfume on the clothes, to scent she had come so used to smelling.

Celine didn't hug back. She stood their letting her mother embrace her. Her mother smiled as she let go of one of her youngest daughters. A bright smile from ear to ear, a smile so similar to Celine's. A body frame as curvy and beautiful as her almost seventeen year old daughter.

"Hi." Celine uttered. There was no reacting whatsoever to her face. It was blank. Sofia frowned, as she took a  another look at how grown and how developed her daughter had become in a year.

Sofia and the rest of family hadn't put in a second thought when they flew into Italy after Serena called in tears. They were worried about Celine. Serena didn't know what to do. The twenty-two year had stayed plenty of nights awake not knowing where her sister was. She growing tired of how things were playing out with her sister. Celine was slowly ruining herself.

"I came to take you home." Sofia spoke. Celine raised her eyebrows shifting the weight of her back back, "Chantel and Sarai also came." Sofia spoke as they both walked out of the school and into the parking lot.

"Chantel even brought baby Mia along." The Colombian concluded as they drove off the schools parking lot. Celine didn't say much, only slightly smiled at the mentioned of her four year old niece. Sofia sighed sadly. As time proceeded Celine only seemed to drift more and more away from her and she didn't know what to do anymore. She tried everything. Nothing ever worked.

"Celine." Sofia seemed to plead. Her brown eyes full of hope that one day she would get her daughter back. It was her. It was Celine, but it was her, "Please."

Celine looked away, her eyes watching the roads. She remained silent. All she wanted was to go back to the house and crawl into her bedroom to be far away from her family as possible. She didn't even want to call it family. Her family had stopped being a family ever since her father died and they left Colombia behind.

Sofia sighed. She felt defeated, she didn't know what to do. She wanted to cry. She wanted to turn back time and be there for her daughter. She wanted Celine back. She wanted the little girl that lived to be outside in the late hours of the night only to have her scold her back in.

Arriving at her sister's house where she knew the rest of the family was awaiting her arrival. Celine was the first one out of the car, her mother following suite. Opening the door, the slight chattered instantly became silence. All eyes were on her, her sisters feasting their eyes at Celine's matured body.

"Hola." She mumbled looking at her three sisters. Chantel was the first to get up walking towards her baby sister and embracing her into a tight hug. Celine hugged back closing her eyes as she did so. Chantel rubbed her back, wanting nothing more than to try to understand and be there for her.

"I'm-" Chantel began. Feeling tears stream her eyes. She looked but she couldn't believe that the girl that was standing in front of her was her baby sister, "I'm so happy I can hug you again." Chantel mused hugging her once more.

Celine nodded her head. Unable to force her tears out, "I'm happy you're here too." She whispered back. Celine sat her bag by the couch. Smoothing her skirt, eyes were on her. She didn't know how to react. She watched as her sisters looked at her then to each other.

"How's school?" Sarai asked. The twenty year old smiled at her sister, a smile Celine returned, "Serena was telling us that you have all honors classes and have straight A's. "  Celine looked at Serena knowing very well she had told the whole family what truly was going on. 

"We're so proud of you." Sarai finished off. Celine still remained silent. She felt that whole house was going to explode. Bitting her lip, Celine finally opened her mouth to uttered a 'thank you'

"Let's be frank." She spoke again. Celine looked at mother then to her sisters, "We all know why you're here."

"You're here because Serena called you." Celine looked at Serena. She wasn't mad, because deep down she knew they were all worried about her. Deep down Celine was worried too, "You're here because Serena told you im not a virgin."

"But did she tell you that started me on the pill?" Celine raised her eyebrows looking at everyone. Everyone remained silent, surprised by her outburst, "But let's be honest here. That doesn't even mattered that I'm not a virgin anymore!"

"What matters is that Serena can't control me anymore." Celine air quoted to add more emphasis when she said 'control',  "What worries you is that I don't even sleep here. And you're all dying to know who the person is, right?"

"You're all dying to know who is the one that took my virginity, right?" Celine was on a roll. She could feel the discomfort rise in the room, "Don't worry he's an amazing guy, and I spend my days with him."

"Oh and just you know, he's older than me." She added in, sarcasm was dripping from her tongue, "Just do me a favor."

"Don't come into my life again pretending that we're aren't broken, that I'm not broken." Celine felt tears brim her eyes, but she continued anyways, "Like we're this happy family."

"Because reality check. We're not!" Celine stormed upstairs leaving her mother and her sisters looking at each other. Knowing that Celine's problems came from a deep down.

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