Leonhard x Reader | Offer

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Requested by AlishiaCrossFake

I'll prove it to all of them. I'll prove it to all of them, that I'm not helpless.

'Leonhard, please. At least one guard should accompany you, or Heine.'

'I'm not a child, Bruno! I can take care of myself!'

I may not be as strong as Kai, but I can use my speed to run away if I collide with danger. Yes! I can do this!

He ran away from the palace in the middle of the day. Heine and Leonhard's brothers are already searching for him.

The blonde prince wanted to buy a lot of things, but he remembered one of Heine's advices; he should only get what he needs.

It was suddenly late in the afternoon and the sky began to turn dark. After hours of wandering around town, Leonhard gets lost and ends up walking into a very dim alley.

'Alright, I admit it. I'm really lost,' he utters to himself.

He thought that he can adapt to the normal world, but he thought wrong. And he regretted that. By now, he was shivering because of the wind, and he felt slightly terrified. He couldn't do anything but bide under a street light.

Leonhard didn't know why, but his legs were glued to the ground. He couldn't move and approach anyone for help. He couldn't even try to go back on his own. All he could do was sigh, close his eyes and pray for the best.

Seconds later, two street children pickpocket him without his knowledge. He just knew once they were running away with his money. He was about to chase and stop them, but someone beat him to it.

'Now what did I tell you boys about stealing money?'

A mysterious person appears and grabs the two boys by their shirts and scolds them.

'Aw, c'mon! We barely got any food today!'

'Here, take mine.'

Leonhard couldn't see the person, because their whole body was hidden in a very shadowy part of the alley. He couldn't decipher a voice either, because it was too monotonous. He waited until the person stepped into the light.

It was a girl, seemingly around his age. She had shoulder length (h/c) hair that gleamed under the light, and (e/c) orbs that held many emotions. Although her clothing looked hideous and shabby, it won't compare to her stunning face that every woman would envy.

'You should be aware of what lurks in the dark. It's dangerous at night.'

She held a serious mouth, one just like his tutor's. And it made him wonder if there's more to her than meets his eye.

'Hey. Why are you staring?'


Leonhard shook his head and began stammering, trying to figure out what to say to his helper.

'Well, a simple thank you would suffice.'

It was like she read his mind.

Yeah, that's the only thing I gotta say.

He opened his mouth to speak the words, but a grumble from the sky made them both stop and look up. The girl was quick to react, like she was prepared for any problem.

'Here,' she opens up a dark blue umbrella and covers the boy from the rain. He noticed she was getting drenched so he pushed the umbrella towards her, 'No, you have it.'

'I'm offering you something, just take it!'

'A gorgeous lady shouldn't get wet because of me!'

And that shut the both of them up. The unknown girl's face flushed red in a matter of seconds, so did Leonhard's. At that time, nobody was under the umbrella, and they were both drenched.

'You're going to get sick. You take the umbrella and go home,' this time, she pushes the umbrella gently to fully cover the boy.

'But what about you?'

'I can take care of myself.'

Those exact words...it made him pull the girl into a tight embrace. She may not be in the same situation as Leonhard, but he (somehow) knows how she feels.


He lets go before she could say anything else.

'Get home safe, okay?'


It hasn't fully processed in her mind yet, but she wondered why would the stranger embrace her. As she was about to disappear into the night, the blonde called out to her.


'What's your name?'

'I'm Y/n.'

'I'm Leonhard...Thank you, Y/n.'

Leonhard smiles at Y/n for the last time, before running off to go home.

'You're welcome, Leonhard.'

The End...

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