Ernst x Reader | It's Hers

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"You have stalker problems, Ernst."

"So? You have a problem with that?"

Through the peaceful streets of Germany, a (h/c) woman walks in silence while a white haired fellow trailed behind her.

"Ernst, for the love of Glanzreich, would you please stop following me?"


"It's not very professional of you."

With that said, the newly promoted and undercover hitman turns her heel to leave as fast as she could. Using his own advantages, Ernst goes ahead and blocks, preventing Y/n from abandoning him once more. "Y/n, darling, leaving so soon?"

"Ernst, I have a job to do!"

"Is it more important than me?"


The taller man pouts at his partner. "Ernst," she grips his shoulder, "you and I both know that this job is difficult and dangerous. That was since day one." Sighing, Ernst nods slowly with his eyes cast down.

As partners, Y/n L/n and Ernst Rosenberg had already gone through countless challenges and obstacles on their path to success. As hitmans, they have to accomplish their job as swiftly and silently as possible.

"I like your new suit, by the way. It suits you," Y/n smirks before running off to finish her task. Although Y/n is a very serious person, she has a sense of humour- albeit showing it on rare occasions. Ernst can't help but miss her already.

"Y/n L/n. Meet your new partner, Ernst Rosenberg."

The young spy could have protested against having a partner (again, if I must add), but she decided not to say anything. You see, that's the problem there. Y/n is the kind of girl who always speaks her mind no matter what the situation may be. Everyone was suprised when she did not vocalize a word.

"What level are you?"

"Level 5."

"Wow! I guess you're a pretty special agent, huh?"

"I guess..."

In the beginning, Y/n minimized her words towards her new partner. Ernst was unbelievably the talkative one.

"Does this have tequila?"


Just a few months ago, Y/n was this asocial woman who just wanted to finish her job. Nothing more, nothing less. After she finishes a task, Ernst always spots her at the same pub, ordering the same drink, with the same flat expression.

He would sit at a table in the corner and his red eyes would only focus on her. He'd also be turned on when he sees his partner smile in the midst of all the action.

"Ernst? I'm home," With an exhausted tone, Y/n heads to their shared bedroom in their simple home (which is a manor, by the way).
She flops onto the bed without warning, and wakes up her partner.

"Y/n? Back already?"


For the two, it only takes one word to understand.

The next day, Y/n goes out again to hit someone. Ernst continues to stay at home. The week passes by with the same process. Another Monday came. 'But Y/n hasn't come home since last night.'

Whilst sulking on his side of the bed, his phone vibrated on the nightstand. Y/n had texted him to meet up somewhere.

Meet me at the old forensics building at 5:00 PM. Please don't be late, Ernst.

As usual, she's so demanding. What the heck does she want? I mean, I love her and all, but she's a woman. From my experience, women are demanding. Sigh... But still, her demand sounded so urgent. She even said please.

So there I was, standing in front of the old building. I was early. 4:50 PM. Before I even took one step, my phone ringed.


"Hey, Ernst."

To my ears, she sounded real sad.

"Where are you? I'm already at the building."

"I'm on the rooftop."

I even thought she was crying. But I know Y/n- she's too tough to let a tear spill.

"I'm sorry, okay?! You lost your job because of me! I know what I did was wrong!"

I was taken back when she bursted. I don't blame her for that time, though.

"Y/n. It's not your fault."

"It is!!"

I've never seen her like this. Not bearing to her her screech anymore, I went up to find her.


She left her phone on the rooftop, and a bunch of her other stuff. Of course, I took it home, sorted through it, and kept what was important. All that was left was a recorder and a file.

Later, I found out that Y/n was telling the truth. She used me, and it got me fired. She's right. Her job is more important than me. I bet she's not coming back to me anymore.
It wasn't my fault. It's hers.

The End.

I have good news. I JUST FOUND OUT THAT I AM TALLER THAN HEINE! Mwahahahahahahahaaaa!!
(He's 155 cm and I'm 160 cm)

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