5 Minutes

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JungKook Short Imagine


After almost 30 minutes of lying on the couch you felt bored and pained. You’ve been there for a quite a long time, staring at the ceiling and thinking nothing. Yeahh , thinking nothing.

A month and a half, you said.

It’s been a month and a half since the last time you spent with your loving boyfriend. Of course you understand the situation because it was one of the million conditions you accepted when you loved him. He’s a star and you’re nothing compare to him, a simple student. But for him, you are his world, his air and his everything.

You stared at your phone for about three seconds thinking twice if you’ll call him or text him. He texted you awhile back saying that he’s on their way on their fan signing event. But now you are worried that maybe he’s already busy.

JungKook never fails to update you with his schedule. He calls you a lot and sends you photos. He always makes sure that you wouldn’t feel forgotten, that you would always feel loved by him even without his presence but at least with virtual means.

In the end, you opened the photo gallery of your mobile and scanned his photos. “I miss you baby,” you said wiping your screen. “I miss you”.


Someone was screaming your name outside.

“Who’s that?! Wait a sec,” you replied. You got up on your feet walking towards the door to find out who is it. But as you opened the door, a surprise kiss on your forehead greeted you-- a hand bracing your waist and the other holding the back of your head.  You can’t see anything but a neckline but the scent is very familiar. When he released you, you saw a smiling JungKook in front of you. You saw your boyfriend right in front of you.

“Baby!?” … you said with eyes questioning if the person in front of you is real or just a product of your imagination.

He pinched your nose a response and smiled again.

At last, you believed that it was really him. “Baby!!!”  you screamed and jumped at him to give him a hug, a very tight hug.

After hugging him for about a minute, you released him and said “ I miss you baby, I really miss you! I thought I have to wait for so long to see – “

You stopped talking because your boyfriend’s lips landed on yours. Another surprise from him. You saw his eyes closed and so you did. That kiss, that one kiss blew off the long waiting period that you suffered.

He then released your lips but brushed your nose with his and said, “I only have 5 minutes to see you baby.”  His hands caressed your cheeks. “Let’s stay like this until the time is up, and then I have to go again.” You nodded as an answer.

Both of you didn’t care how short 5 minutes was, what’s important was you saw him, he saw you. And even waiting again for a longer time, you think you can survive it. As long as in the end, you’ll be in each other’s arms.

“Yah! Time’s Up!” A voice from outside spoke and when you both went out to see who was it, it was the cutie Jimin. 

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