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as a fan girl, that's our responsibility and duty. from a busy day in school/ work spazzing is the only thing that pampers you.

right after fixing yourself and getting ready for bed, you got your gadget and started browsing networking sites to update yourself from BTS' activities.

from watching fan cams, to live performances to interviews until status updates, you ended up browsing their ever overload selca updates in twitter.

your eyes were oozing of delight and feels seeing each of the boys' latest updates. until by chance you tweeted them and says "annyeong oppas~ I had a long tiring day but seeing your updates makes me alive! Saranghae <3"

everything sails smooth, you continued spazzing for almost an hour until a notif from your twitter acc popped ..

Awed and shocked, it was bangtan who tweeted back and much more dropping your heart when you read it.

"@$*^¢√£ This is *Bias of BTS, I wish you get enough rest for today. Take care of yourself because you are precious to me. Thank you for loving, nado Saranghae ^_^"

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