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Rap Monster Imagine


"What floor?" you asked your friend on the other line. You were about to join the slumber party that your friend had organized for her farewell. She was a dear friend of yours and you don't want to miss it. So even with pink pajamas on, you went to the hotel with it.  You then walked to look for the elevator after your friend gave you the detail of the party.

You were about to press the open button when a hand pressed it before you do. You looked at the person beside you and you stumbled a little when you found out who it was. It was NamJoon your school crush. "Thank You" you said as you looked at him secretly while he was busy banging his head a little because of the song he was listening too. Obviously a rap song.

He looked at you surprisingly and you were caught off guard. Your eyes met but you looked away in delay making it so obvious that you were staring at him.

He smirked with your reaction as you removed one of his earphones and hung it on his shoulder. "Hi!" he said smiling revealing his dimples and cute eyes.

"Ha ... Hi!" you stammered answering him back smiling a little and then the elevator opened. It saved you. Being a gentleman, he asked you to go inside before him.

"What floor?" he asked you as he pressed the close button looking at you in your reflection. The elevator has mirror all over. You looked at him also and smiled, "38th floor please." You answered.

He then pressed it followed by button number 40. It was where he will go you thought.

"Thank you." you said as you tried to act firm in front of your crush. It's a rare moment to be with him this close. Usually at school, you're just one of his classmates, a wall flower and nothing more. You even thought that for him, you do not exist. He smiled and put his earphone back again.

A moment of silence covered the elevator as it started going up. But when it was approaching the 10th floor, the elevator started to collide and the lights went flickering causing you to panic.

"OMONA!" you screamed while holding tight on the holding bars of the elevator.

"Oh sh*t!" NamJoon was in panic holding the bars too.

The elevator stopped working and in a bit, the whole place was covered with darkness. You tried to stand up and looked for the bars as you can't see anything. With too much shaking you lost your grip on it.

"Are you okay?" You heard NamJoon.

"I guess so." You answered him with a shaky voice still stretching your hands to feel the bars at least.

"AHHH!!!" you both screamed and the emergency lights were on in a snap making you both see what had happened to you.

You both bumped with each other on the middle and fortunately, he had saved you from falling with his arms around your waist and back and your arms hanging on his neck.

You were even more shocked as both of you realized that your faces were very close to each other. Close enough to see your pimples clearly. With a fast reaction time, both of you stood up and composed yourself.


After almost five minutes of waiting for the power to be back both of you sat in opposite direction, facing each other, inside the elevator. You both avoid catching each other from looking secretly. It was kind of a game that you both played unconsciously.

You were still shaking from what you just have experienced, you tried dialing your friends' numbers  but even the signals were off. You can't contact them and panic starts to fill your nerves. "We're dead!" you exclaimed as you buried your face in between your knees while hugging it.

You then caught NamJoon's attention and he turned his mp3 player off. "We're dead?" he repeated you with a question mark.

You lifted your head and looked at him. "We're dead!" you repeated almost crying like a kid.

He laughed at you while you just looked at him. Suddenly he stood up and sat beside you handing you his handkerchief. You looked at his hanky with your tears falling.

"Ahhh ..." he said losing his patience in waiting for you to get his handkerchief. He ended up holding your cheek and wiping your tears himself. You just let him do it while you looked at his face trying to scan it in your mind. You felt a rush of blood on your cheeks as NamJoon's face was closed to yours. "It's okay. You shouldn't be crying. We'll just have to wait until the power is back, okay?" he said and smiled at you again.

With a lighter feeling because of what he did, you said "Thank You" sweetly while sniffing because of crying.

He released your face got your hand and handed you his hanky. "Since earlier, I've been hearing the word "Thank You" from you. Don't you have any other word to say?" he asked as he leaned on the wall.

You smiled with his observation. You also leaned on the wall as you sighed.

"<Y/N>, right?" you were shocked hearing NamJoon saying your name. You looked at him as he looked at your reflection.

You nodded as a response. He smiled and looked at you. "We're on the same class ... but you seemed to talk less as how much I talk much." He said

"Actually ... I feel like my tongue leaves my mouth every time I see you" you said shyly. You heard a laugh from him.

"I got it." He sat facing you, "Can I just tell you something?" he suddenly felt excited as he was about to open up. You then sat in an indian sit position and faced him.

"What is it?" you asked him as you felt really at ease with him.

He got your hands and held it tight. Your eyes went big as you were surprised with his gesture. You looked at his hands covering yours and looked at him directly in his eyes.

He smiled as he put your right hand in his chest where the heart was. He inhaled and exhaled as he seemed to find courage to say those words.

"This is crazy! I know! But I just have to say this!" he sighed once again. "<Y/N> ... I ... I like you." he said making your heart explode. "I saw you walking alone towards the elevator so I rushed in to join you." he started explaining. "You know in school, I really wanted to join you whenever you're alone but I don't have enough courage to seat beside you. Oahh! This may be shocking but this is true." He continued. "<Y/N> , I really like you." he ended with eyes sincerely saying those words to you and kissed you in your forehead with you in full shock.      

Just by that and the power came back making the elevator work again.

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