Chapter Eight :His confession

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Rayyan's P.O.V

Ayesha! Mahn! I love her company!" I muttered to myself after reading the texts which she sent me.

"She is actually different from all other girls. The way she talks, the way she jokes, those silly faces she makes. 

Everything about her is so beautiful!" I told Sanchit as I was holding food in one hand and my phone in the other.

"You like her, don't you?" Sanchit asked. "Uhmm nup" I replied hesitantly! Sanchit is one of my closest friend,a friend who can understand me just through my behaviour or actions! He's been my friend since school time! 

Giving me a dejected smiley he texts "C'mon I do know you love her,you can't hide it from me at least!" I felt like screaming out loud not only to him but to the world that"yes yes yess! I do love her,I'm madly in love with her,I want her to be called as MINE!" But I kept my feelings within me and kept  quiet! With a smiley I chucked the topic there! I was actually scared,scared of confessing it to her as I didn't wanna ruin our friendship at any cost! It was better to be friends at least rather than loosing her! After all I was kinda attracted & addicted to her!  Many a times I thought of telling her up my feelings,prepared some confessing texts thought of sending them but no the fear of loosing her always haunted me and restricted me from confessing! 

I was never a Facebook addict or a social person but she changed me all! Each day I would login just to see a green dot besides her name! 

For me at that  point of time happiness was seeing her online! And happiness was obvious after all AYESHA was my first crush!!!  Until I met her my philosophy was to distance my self from girls but the moment I met her it all changed! 

I was such a jealous freak and I couldn't see her chat with any other guy! I would burst with anger seeing any guy wallposting on her wall ! Side by side I was a huge sentimental personality! Her late replies at times would make me think the negative way! 

In a 24 hour day maximum time I would I would spend talking to her! She had become the  beat of my heart,just like a heart is incomplete without a beat I was incomplete without her! Out of curiosity each time I would ask her of any boyfriend or crushes and a "NO" from her always satisfied me! Talking to her all time I started knowing her closely,her dreams,her wishes,in short I started understanding her to some extent!  But, trust me this girl is the hardest to understand and handle! My god! I never seen a girl like her before! Her stupidity, her talks,she herself, one epic piece on earth! From my behaviour my friends could easily make out that I'm  in LOVE! It was hard for all to believe as I had an anti-girl philosophy!  I even had rejected a few proposals as I never got a like or a love feeling for any girl but it all changed here! Within a week ayesha became my first crush! Soon days passed and our closeness grew! Even my like feeling developed into a love feeling! At this moment everyone was pretty sure of me regarding her! Sanchit again asked me but this time face to face! The moment he saw me he came running towards me Shouting "Hey Ayeshaaa" I was like what? Bro you mad don't shout and in a panicking situation I indirectly confessed saying"saale bhaabi ka naam raaste pe mat chilla" which in english means 'Don't yell my wife's name loudly on the street' The very next moment with a wink he said "Rayyan i knew it,I knew it you love her! " With a dejected look I said "No sancho understand! listen nothing like that" in an abusive tone he yelled at me for lying to him! And yeah I finally confessed it to him. 

In an exciting tone he asked me as to when will I be confessing it to her? I replied "Nahh I won't,I'm scared! What if she doesn't like? Our friendship will be ruined, and I cant afford loosing her even as a friend" To this he said "if she's in your destiny she'll surely accept you if no, then forget" with a poker face look I said "I'm attached to her,my feelings are controlled by her and you talk of forgetting! How can I forget my feelings?" He kept quiet but just told me one thing "Do as you wish but remember its not late!" And we got off to some eating stuff!

My cousin brother Adnan a close friend of Ayesha always told me to go for her! According to his sayings God has made us for each other! One big love teacher this stud was! Almost for an hour he gave me a Lecture for this girl! He was the second person to whom i confessed! The very next moment I took my cell in hand dialed Ayesha's number but CUT!

Stupid me,I couldn't let my feelings take over! "Why did you do like this ?" Adnan exclaimed! "Had to mahn,I'm scared not of her answer but the after result of it! "

The same situation aroused with a few more friends where they motivated me to confess but silly me,I couldn't! Because of this all lost hopes of motivating me and started ignoring me saying that 'until I confess it to Ayesha they won't talk or entertain me' but all knew that one day we'll be together! God has made them for each other its just that they aren't realising it. This was their thinking.

But I must say all were eager to see an Ayesha  Rayyan relation!  

Even some of Ayesha's friend started contacting me for this! All said go ahead, confess it to her and make her yours two constant queens were Shifa And Shriya! 

Shifa used to study in my primary school so I knew her and Shriya was my college friend! A new friend to specify! She was even Ayesha's close friend! She too became one of my close friends!

All I can say is I'm madly in love with her.


Guys! Guess what? This chapter is written by Rayyan himself, I asked him to write as I wanted to know his feelings towards me back then! hope y'all enjoyed! Thanks Rayyan! :*

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