Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

       Apparently, our original opening act wasn't able to make it the rest of our shows, so we were stuck with Worn Diversion as our opening act now.

       Part of me thought Agatha sabotaged the other opening act so Worn Diversion would be our opening act. And by saying a part of me, I meant a huge part of me. It was like she worshiped those boneheads.

       She should just be their manager instead. That way, Malachi and I could actually be open about our relationship, and nobody else in the band would have to hide anything.

       I think it was the hardest for Ricky to keep his secret about helping his dad get out of prison. His dad really was wrongfully accused, which was why Ricky was spending his money on a really good lawyer that could actually get the job done. Agatha didn't like that and thought it would only create bad publicity.

       While we were in the hotel, Malachi and I were in the kitchen eating some lunch. Junior was in his room most likely video chatting Phoebe, Otis was playing around with chords on the guitar, and Ricky was laying upside down on the couch looking at his phone.

       Ricky suddenly got up and walked over to me and Malachi. "I need the both of your help," he said in a quiet voice.

       "Is it about your dad?" I asked, my voice as quiet. 

       Ricky nodded. "Yeah, I got an email that my mom forwarded to me. They have a trial date, which is the day after we get home from tour."

       "And what do you need our help for?" I asked.

       "Agatha is already planning a huge celebration since we'll be done our first world tour," Ricky said. "And the celebration is around the same time as the trial."

       "So, you're going to need us to cover for you if anyone notices you're gone," I said.

       "Please?" Ricky asked.

       "Of course," I said. "Malachi is an expert at distracting Agatha."

       Malachi nodded and swallowed the bite of the sandwich he just took. "It's true. I just have to ask Agatha is Aviva and I can finally date. Too bad she won't let us. I don't see the big deal anyway."

       "She has all sorts of crazy rules," Ricky said. "Like, like not dating at all, even someone outside of the band. Does she expect us to stay single the rest of our lives?"

       "When her contract expires, I'm honestly tempted not to renew it," Malachi said. "We don't need her."

       "What are you guys talking about?" Otis suddenly asked, walking towards one of the cupboards to find a snack to eat.

       "How we're not going to renew Agatha's contract when it expires so we could get a new manager," Malachi said.

       Otis raised an eyebrow and looked at Malachi. "Seriously? She's not that bad, and she does a lot for us."

       "Easy for you to say," Malachi said. "You're not forbidden to date your soulmate."

       "And you're not forbidden to talk to or about your dad," Ricky said.

       "And you're her favourite," Malachi said. "I'm her least favourite."

       "Then stop flirting with Aviva," Otis said.

       Malachi gasped. "That's so disrespectful. That's like telling me not to love food or to give up Duke."

       "They're right, you know," Junior suddenly said, sitting in the spot beside me. "All of Agatha's stupid rules affect us. None of them affect you."

       "Really?" Otis asked. "And which one of the rules affect you?"

       "No dating anyone, even outside the band," Junior said. "There's a girl I've liked since I was a freshman, so before Major Vocal even started. And because of the stupid rule, I'll never have the chance to date her."

       Wow, everyone here was so good at hiding their secrets. Well, partially. Malachi and I both found out Ricky and Junior's, and Junior found out that Malachi and I were dating.

       On second thought, we were only good at hiding them from Agatha, and Otis too. I did feel a bit bad hiding them from Otis, but it wasn't like he was the only one left out. Junior didn't know that Ricky was still helping his dad, and Ricky didn't know Junior had a girlfriend.

       And then here was me and Malachi, knowing everything.

       Probably because Malachi was the most trustworthy.

       "I have to admit, some of the rules are unfair, but she has them for a reason," Otis said. "Too much drama comes with relationships. For example, if Malachi and Aviva were to ever date and break up, that could tear apart the band."

       "Excuse you, but Aviva and I will be rock solid," Malachi said. "We would never break up, and we will eventually get married, have two kids, and live happily ever after."

       "Two kids?" I asked. "What if I want three?"

       "You want two, Aviva. You've told me years ago."

       "But what if I changed to three?"

       "You want two."

       "Yeah, that's true."

       "Are you two seriously talking about having kids together?" Otis asked.

       "Yes," Malachi said. 

       "He's only joking," I said.

       "I'm not joking," Malachi said. "I refuse to have babies with anyone else but you. Come on, we're two of the most attractive people in the world. Our babies will be gorgeous."

       "Yeah, that's true," I said. "But will they have a British accent of Canadian accent?"

       "Good question," Malachi said. "I reckon Canadian, since they'll be living in Canada and be more accustomed to that language. They'll only hear me with the British accent."

       "....Wait, why are we talking about having kids?" I asked. "We're not even dating."

       "Right, because Agatha won't let us," Malachi said. "Just think of all the publicity we get if we start dating."

       "We've talked about this before," Otis said. "She's never going to let it happen."

       "Unfortunately," Malachi said.


Okay, it's still the 28th (7 more minutes) so I can still say that 6 of the actors I've chosen for some of my characters have birthdays today and they are the actors for Malachi (thus the update), Genesis, Hazel, Willow, Seb, and older Munro. cx

And since Malachi is the only character who's a main in one of my current running books, and his actor's birthday was the first I knew of today, I had to update this.


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