Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

       We got to the next city we were performing at two days before the actually performance, so instead of staying in the tour bus, we were going to be staying in a hotel. I loved staying in hotels because no matter what, I always got my own room with the others had to fight it out.

       "No, I'm not sharing a room with Ricky," Malachi said. The four guys were arguing while I sat on the couch, eating out of a tube of spicy guacamole Pringles and watched them. This was sheer entertainment and I didn't want it to stop.

       Did that make me a bad girlfriend? Being amused from my boyfriend's pain?

       Nah, he was my best friend first and it was completely normal to be amused.

       "Well, I don't want to share a room with him and neither does Junior," Otis said.

       "So I have to?" Malachi asked. "He bugs me the most. He lives just to mock my accent and say 'pip pip cheerio'."

       "I have a simple solution," Ricky said. "Malachi gets his own room and I share with Aviva."

       "I second that," I said, just to bug Malachi even more.

       "Aviva!" Malachi said.

       "I'm kidding," I said. "Sorry, Ricky, but I'd rather have my own room. You four can continue fighting it out."

       "Otis, I think you should share with Ricky," Malachi said. "You're the most sane one and you the mist level-headed. You can put up with almost everyone."

       "Yeah, almost," Otis said. "Not Ricky. No one can put up with Ricky."

       "I shared a room with him last time we were in a hotel," Malachi said. "So, I'm excluded. You and Junior figure it out."

       "I don't want to share a room with Ricky," Junior said. "Last time, he took my phone and texted my dad, telling him to suck an egg."

       "Yeah, Ricky doesn't do anything rude to you, Otis," Malachi said.

       "Not yet," Ricky said with a smirk. "I have a few tricks up my bag."

       "Can Ricky just sleep in the tour bus?" Malachi asked. "He doesn't need to be in the hotel."

       "I second that," Junior said.

       "Okay, that is rude," Ricky said, right as the door opened and Agatha walked in.

       "Then how about I share a room with Aviva?" Malachi asked.

       "Not happening," Agatha said. She always had perfect timing. Insert eye roll here. "What are you four arguing about anyway?"

       "Who has to share a room with whom," Otis said. 

       Agatha sighed. "You boys are like little kids arguing over the simplest things. I don't see what the problem about sharing a room with anyone."

       "The problem is sharing a room with Ricky," Junior said. "None of us want to because he's always bothering us."

       "Must I handle everything myself?" Agatha asked. "Otis and Junior, you two share a room. Malachi and Ricky, you two share a room?"

       "Are you kidding me?" Malachi asked. "It's always me and you know that I'm the one Ricky bothers the most."

       "I don't care," Agatha said. "You four need to stop arguing all the time and if you keep doing it, I'll be deciding who has to share a room."

       Malachi scowled as he picked up his suitcase and dropped it into one of the rooms. "I'm going for a walk," he announced.

       "I'll come," I said, closing the Pringles container and setting it on the coffee table. Someone has to calm him down anyway.

       Although, I didn't blame Malachi for looking angry. If Agatha had a list of her favorite band members, Malachi would no doubt be on the bottom. She always had a certain hatred for him and I had no idea why.

       Malachi and I left the hotel room, making sure to have a card key with us. "I don't get it," Malachi said. "Why does she hate me so much?"

       "I don't know," I said. "Trust me, I get annoyed every time she picks on you. So, where are we going to?"

       "Just the vending machine I saw in the lobby," he said. "I want my own food without anyone trying to eat them. They know if I buy it myself, the don't touch it. By the way, I'm going to be sneaking into your bedroom at night."

       "I'm not going to object to that," I said, giving him a smile.

       "I'll even lock the door so we can do....things."

       I snorted and nudged his side with my elbow. "No."

       "Aww....But I love you, baby."

       "Shut up."

       We got to the lobby and it took a while for Malachi to decide what he wanted from the vending machine. He always took a long time because it was food, so there were a lot of choices. Most of the time, he ended up getting at least five things.

       However, this time, he was able to decide on one but that was only because he didn't have that much change.

       Right as Malachi grabbed the bag of chips he got out of the vending machine, I heard someone squeal. "Oh my gosh! It's Malachi Vance and Aviva Odell!"

       Malachi and I turned around and saw a group of girls rush over. "We're, like, huge fans!" one of them said.

       Malachi and I both smiled. "Thank you," I said.

       "Can we get a picture?" another one asked. "And your autograph?"

       "Yeah, of course," Malachi said.

       After the pictures and the autographs, the question that I knew was coming came. "Are you two dating yet?"

       "No, not yet," Malachi said. "She keeps turning me down."

       "We're just best friends," I said. "He's joking, he doesn't ask me out."

       "Aww, but you two would be so cute together," one said.

       "No way, I ship Rickiva," another one said.

       "I keep telling you, Avivachi is the best ship. Rickiva can't measure up to them."

       "Uh, they can. You can tell Rickiva has the sexual tension."

       Oh my....

       Malachi didn't look happy.

       Luckily the fans didn't notice.

       "No, Avivachi has the sexual tension. You saw the interview when she had to choose who she had to date. It was Malachi, not Ricky." She then looked at me. "Can you and Malachi please start dating?"

       "Yeah, Aviva," Malachi said. "Please? I love you."

       "We actually have to get back to our hotel room," I said, ignoring his question because, you know, we were already dating. "It was really nice meeting you guys."

       They all smiled. "It was really nice meeting you, too. We can't wait for the concert!"


Come on, Avivachi totally has the sexual tension. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

I don't know why, but I found it so hard to write about their tour because it's just them going city to city as they perform. The second book, they aren't on tour so I know that will be a lot easier to write. So don't be surprised it this is about 30 chapters, maybe less. If it is, book two will definitely be longer because I already have a lot planned for it.

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