Chapter 1

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I carried my violin in one hand and my pack lunch bag in the other, i had my head hung and i walked to school trying not to cry.

Yesterday my sister didnt look where she was going and ran out onto the road and well she didnt move and mummy was just frozen. She goes out alot and we dont see her now i have no one. Daddy left afew months ago and mummy would always go and come back days later and now my sisters gone so i have no one to talk to.

I ran down the school path before the gates and triped up and i hissed in pain "hey you okay?" a sweet voice asked and i looked to see beasutiful bright blue eyes. I looked her voer and smiled "y-yeh!" i said trying not to cry, not about the fall but my sister.

She helped me up and i smiled. I looked her over andi could tell she went to the secondary school which was just behind my primary. I was in p7 and i'd be there in three months i was nervous "try and look where oyur going next time okay sweetie!" she said and i smiled,

"thank you!" i said and she smiled and spotted my violin "i play the violin what grade are you?" she asked and is miled "grade two i just started!" i said and she smiled "im nine!" she said and i frowned but she smiled "dont worry you'll get good at it, i need to go but look where you going next time!" she said and i nodded and i saw her walk on.

For a moment i had forgotten everything that had happened but as soon as she was gone i remembered it all.


It was my first day fo secondary and i was nervous. My mum wasnt around to say good luck she left afew days ago without a word to me so i had to wish myself good luck which wasnt as fun.

I walked to school. The way i walked meant i walked behind the school and i saw boys smoking, just walk by and ignore them but i couldnt i didnt like smoking and they looked to be my age. "you shouldnt smoke!" i said and they shrugged "no one cares so niether do we!" a boy said and i shook my head and walked on.

I diont want to waste my time, i was looking for someone. I was looking for the girl who had helped me. As that day was my last day of school i wouldnt see her again not until i came here so i was on the look out today.

My music teacher from primary was my secondary school music teahcer, he came to the primarys to get students intrested for secondary so he had told me to put my violin in his classroom so im not carrying it around.

I got a map with my timetable which i thought was very useful. I looked for the music department on my map and followed the directions and i put my vioplin in his classroom. As i left i saw picures of the choir and all the bands and i looked at them and most of them had the girl i was loking for.

They had names underneath and i saw hers was Josie Farlen and i smiled until i saw it was the senior choir which meant she wont be here this year which mad me suddenly upset. I walked away from the music corridor and as i passed the main entrance a copy of the senior year book was out on display for people to look at.

I walked over and found Josie and she was in a funny pose and it said she wanted to be a teahcer and she was in the senior choir, and string orchestra. I flipped through it more and she wa sin alot of pictures then i saw 'schools best couple' and it was her and another girl and Josie was kissing the girls cheek and the girl was blushing and i closed the book and i felt jelous and i dont know why.

I walked out of school and i realised i was behind the school and whewre the boys who were smoking "you shouldnt be doing that!" i said and they looked at me "why, what you gonna do tell on us!" the same boy asked and laughed,

"nop you shouldnt be doing that without me!" i said and he smiled. I dont know what i was doing but i was doing something bad and i knew that but i was in a bad mood so i was balancing it out.

He walked over to me and gave me his cigarette and i hesitated before taking a puff and i coughed "dont worry you'll get use to it!" he said and i nodded and took another one and i liked it, i liked it alot!

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