Chapter 12

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We were in our jammas, mine being joggrs and a band t shirt while Jo had winne the pooh ones and they looked adorable on her. We were sitting on her couch facing eachother, cross legged, o my left knee was to the bak of the couch if you get it now.

"what happened?" she asked and i frowned "she came in as i was making dinner asking who iw as and where she was, i just told her to shut up and let me eat, then she came away with her charge and i threw up, literely.

I then told her i was her daughter and she denied having one, when i said she did and it was me she just shrugged it of, no appology or 'i love you im so sorruy' just 'oh well', i then lost it at her and we were both yelling and she said soemthing and she mentioned me being gay and there was so much digust in her voice when she said it,

I challenged her to say ti again and say what she really wanted to say and she did and i ost it and she told me to leave and i did, simple as simple can be!" i said and she got angry when i mentoned her disgust in me being gay,

"has she always been against it?" she asked and i shook my head "she came home sobre once, the first and last time and i told her then and she made me my favourite meal, i guess thats two good memories cos that night was pretty special!" i said and she smiled and i frowned,

"what?" she asked "she mentioned me being a younger version of her!" i said and Jo raised an eyebrow "think about ti though. We both do drugs, smoke an exsesive amount and get wasted, her more than me but i do have a comfort bottle and im not a prostitue but i am basically a younger version of her!"  i said and Jo shook her head,

"dont say that, you are nothing like her Phoenix. Phoenix you are the most independant teenager i have ever met. You may do drugs,smoke and drink alot but you put them last, when we went shopping that day im gonna be honest i thought you normally wasted your pay on the addiction but you didnt,

And when i saw what you bought it was all cheap but good stuff and i couldnt have been more proud at that moment of you. Phoenix your mum blows her money on her addiction you dont, you stick up for people and help them, people like Jeff your mum threw you out because she was drunk and angry you wouldnt, your more of a person than she is!" she said and i nodded,

"its got me thinking though, i could be liek her, i could turn into what he is today and i dont want that!" i said and she frowned "so you wont be that, Phoenix you have control of your life and you are very determind if you want something you'll go for it and if you dont want it you'll be determind to not get it!" she said and i nodded.

There was a pause before responding "i know, thats why im quiting everything. No more drugs, no more smoking and im not drinking anymore!" i said and she looked at me "what?" she asked and i nodded,

"i dont liek doing them but i felt i needed them and when we started daiting i never gave p then because if i said i was iving up for you, i was being logical and thinking fi we ended for whatever reason then  that'd be reason enough to relapse so i neded something else to strive me and i didnt have anything but now i do, i dont want to be like the way my mum is i want to be forty and living my life, drug free, cigarette free and alchol free!" i said and she smiled,

"are you sure?" she asked and i nodded "are you tryign to talk me out of it?" i asked and she laughed a bit "no its just this is big and you've been on them a while its not something that will happen over night its gonna take time!" she said and i nodded,

"and i need your help, i knwo this wont be easy but i need your support Jo!" i said and she smiled "you have it no matter what!" she said and i smiled "im not going to a clinc thought im doing this my way!" i said and she looked at me worried,

"babes your better going there, they know what to do!" she said and i nodded "thats why if you think i cant handle it then you have my permission now to send me there whether i agree or not, and i'll give you that in writing!" i said and she smiled,

"are you sure, i think you should no ofence!" she said and i nodded "im sure, i want to do this myself, i took the first sniff so im gonna stop it my wya!" i said and she smiled "i couldnt be more proud of you i really couldnt!" she said and hugged me,

"i love you Phoenix!" she said and i smiled,

"i love you Jo!"

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