Chapter 17

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We went in Jason's car as Phoenix said his was more cooler, thats debatable. Jason drove and Tony had to sit in the front cos he had to sit next to 'huby' so me and Phoenix were in the back. I sat behind Tony while Phoenix sat in the middle with her head on my lap and i played with her hair to calm her down,

"you okay?" i whispered in her ear and she ndoded "stage three has kicked in!" she said and i frowned "try get some sleep!" i said and she nodded "everything okay back there?" Jason asked and i ndoded "just travel sick!" phoenix said and Jason frowned "does it help if you drive?" Jason asked and she nodded "yeh!" she said,

"if you want you can drive, im using the sat nav so just follow it?" he asked and she nodded "please!" she said and he smiled. We pulled over and Tony wanted to still next to Jason so i had to go in the front.

The minute Tony and Jason were sitting beside each other they started making out "never gonna get use to that!" Phoenix said as she put her seat belt on "ive still not gotten use to it and they've been married for fourteen years!" i said and she laughed a bit,

"lasie and gentlemen i would hold on tight!" she said as she started to drive and well lets just say she went a bit over the speed limit, not to fast you just knew you were going over the speed limit, Jason was to busy licking the face of my brother to notice.

The radio had been on from when Jason was driving and the song 'some nights' came on and Phoenix started mumbeling the words and when she stopped at a traffic light she was banging the drum beat on the steering wheel,

"you like that song!" i said and she smiled "story of my life!" she said with a shrug and i smiled "not anymore!" i said and she nodded. Tony and Jason had stopped sharing saliva and were cuddeled up together in the back,

"oh this means im your step-daddy!" Tony said and Phoenix had a look of horror "can i pull out of this, i didnt agree!" she said and i laughed a bit "no i love kids seriously were gonna have a right laugh all the girly chats and the talk about stuff and more stuff!" he said and she looked at him and then me and i was shaking my head,

"i think i need theorpy!" she said as she drove on ar the green light and i laughed a bit "okay so Phoenix as you dad i demand to know more about you, im your dad i should know these things so you have all the time in the world at the moment to boast about you!" Jason said and Phoenix nodded,

"fun!" she said and i laughed a bit "okay so i play the violin, wait where's Sky if you guys are here?" she asked and is miled "she's at a friends house for a sleepover she was going after school!" Tony said and she nodded,

"okay. I like the colour blue and grey there good together, infact im not sure what to say!" she said and we all laughed a bit "okay will i ask questions then?" he asked and she nodded "yes that would be better!" she said and i smiled and she took my hand and i squeezed it and she smiled at me,

"okay favourite thing to do?" he asked and she smiled "play my violin and sleep!" she said and he smiled "can you sing?" he asked and she shook her head"no!" she said and i looked at her "excuse me have you heard you sing, im sorry but i hneard you sing and bloody hell you could win x-factor with that voice so yes she can sing!" i said and she smiled "okay sweetie whatever you think but for the record i cant!" she said and Jason smiled,

"okay so whats your music tastes like?" he asked and she thought about it "no particular artist just current ones that i like!" she said and he nodded "cool!" he said.The car grew quiet besides the sat-nav telling Phoenix where to go.

The sat nav told her to go left at the T junction but she hesitated and tunred right "hey where we going?" Jason asked and Phoenix didnt respond. I looked at her and was all tense and her knuckles were white from the tight grip on the steering wheel and she looked upset,

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