Can anyone surpass the destiny?

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   Adil 's pov :

I sighed as I felt relaxed.'s really surprising that I loved the environment. ..I never loved this monsoon. ..rainy day meant to be a troublesome, to me. for as I am concerned, I never stepped out on a messy rainy day. ..

    I sniffed the muddy smell that created by the soft drizzle. ..yeah. felt good. ..i was running slowly on the mud road which ran between the tea plantation. was like a green carpet everywhere. ..i hardly  could see any human there. ..i was so comforting that I alone enjoyed my jog.'s quite uneasy for me that I act differently from the moment I reach here. ..

  Yes.'s apparent that I feel something different. if I was  born newly. ..but. ..for now. ..I shouldn't stress by brain that may land with serious problems. ..I have to go with the situation. ..I determined myself. ..

    On the way, the drizzle turned out to a   bit heavy. ..I never minded and actually I enjoyed it by  spreading my hands wider. ..With my  eyes closed  ..I touched the tea leaves that were dotted with the tiny  rain drops. looked awesome. ..i don't know why. ..i felt an urge to take a picture of it. ..which was not my thing. ..

      I smiled at my thought that I started to behave like sandy. ..I saw a woman taking pictures on the sunset., I remembered sandy and decided that there are so many people around like sandy. ..stupids. ..but. ..what she is doing. ..she was walking towards the cliff. ..may be unaware of it. ..I shouted at her to watch out. ..but. ..all my efforts went vain as she was busy with clicking pictures. ..she yet to fall. ..With no time, I reached her. before that she fell and rolled twice. ..before she could roll to the cliff. ..I just wrapped her. the mere shock. ..she fainted on my hands. ..

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Sumo 's pov :

      Shan was always caring. ..He used to teach me everything. ..He would say always. ..

  " there is nothing wrong in learning new things at any age. .."

   We are now set ready to view the sunrise. ..He wrapped his hands around me at my waist. ..that was his  usual way of getting me into him nowadays. ..mine too. ..As shan said. ..really it was not less than a wonder. ..being a nature lover, shan loved every aspect of the enduring sunrise. He made me to do the same. I love shan to my soul. ..I loved his thoughts too. ..

   At sunrise, we felt a positive energy. always, he clicked as much as he could. ..He taught me to handle his DSLR. ..I held the camera and looked via the view finder. ..While helping me, he just slipped. ..I held him tightly before he hands trembled. ..

    " Cool. ..I won't leave you alone so easily. .." He huffed at me. ..

" Shan. .."

      I came out of my dream. .I  opened my eyes with much effort. ..I  felt pain at my joints. ..  a heaviness in head. ..I  looked around the room. ..I was in a cozy bed. ..I felt a discomfort and  tried to get up. ..
I had dizziness and I knew I am going to fall. ..somebody held me. ..

  I looked the person who held me. ..a girl with western look. ..I see an old lady with so much of concern in her gesture. ..I sighed. ..thank god. ..I am not in a wrong place. ..

   " madam. are tired and weak. ..take rest. ..don't worry. .its our home. ..Once you feel better. ..we will talk. ..okay. ..take rest. .." the girl didn't expect me to answer. ..she made me to take rest. ..

   Even I too felt the same way. ..the truth is that I couldn't put my baby s life at stake. ..

   But. ..who had rescued  me on time. ..I felt the hands so close to me. ..I had a strong feeling that the touch which I had was so familiar with my soul. ..Once. .I feel okay. ..I should ask them about this. ..

    On this thought process. ..I slept. ..
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Adil ' s pov :

    I was staring  at the camera for more than an hour. ..even I don't know how to click on this highly professional stuff. ..when I rescued  the women. ..she held this camera close to her heart. ..may  be precious to her  .i took the camera from her. ..when I touched it I had a wired feeling that I had a strong bond with it. ..I kicked my thoughts as saving the women was the priority now. ..I called sandy to get the situation. .With the help of her friends, we managed to arrive at home safely. ..

   The family doctor reviewed and said nothing serious. the women was pregnant. ..she was quite weak. ..hence rest would be enough. ..

   I saw sandy using these kind of professional cameras...but this alone   would  have an impact on me ... i guess nothing ...i could see there was a crack in the camera. ..might be due to the fall. ..I had an intention to correct it's defect. ..evenif I don't know I couldn't stop me doing that. ..let me see what I am upto. ..

  In a quest of answers for my confusions. ..I went near to the camera. ..and started to fix it. ..Surprisingly, I did it. ..

Oh god. ..what the hell is happening in me. ..

I held my head with anxious and fear mixed in equal proportion. ..

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